アブストラクト(7巻1号:The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College)

The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College


Title : Vortex Bands in the Enamel of the Duplicated Maxillary Third Molars in Man
Authors : Hironori Kitamura, Sumino Nishikawa
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Histology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College
Volume : 7
Number : 1
Page : 31-41
Year/Month : 1979 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] The vortex bands of the enamel of the cusps of two molars located distally to the right maxillary second molar, one of which is the dentist's so-called fourth molar or a paramolar of the third molar, were examined by the replica technique. The vortex of the distal cusp of a lingual counterpart of the two molars in question is clockwise, whereas that of their buccal counterpart is counterclockwise. This fact suggests strongly that the two molars are twins or duplicated third molars.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Vortex bands of enamel, duplicated third molars, the fourth molar