アブストラクト(17巻2号:The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College)

The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College


Title : Surgical Treatment of a Mucocele
Subtitle : CLINICAL AND RESEARCH TOPICS Salivary Gland/Saliva
Authors : Hitoshi Kamata, Shin-ichiro Kobayashi, Kaizo Shimura
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Surgery, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College
Volume : 17
Number : 2
Page : 187-190
Year/Month : 1989 / 9
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The mucocele is often observed in the office practice of oral surgery. The mucocele, so-called mucous retention cyst or retention phenomenon, is a mucous containing cyst that occurs in the salivary gland-bearing areas of the oral mucosa. The lower lip is the preferred site. The mucocele is usually painless, an initially small, circumscribed and bluish swelling (Figs. 1 and 2.) The patient frequently gives a history of filling, rupture and refilling of these lesions. The mucocele is formed because of a traumatic rupture of the excretory duct of a salivary gland and secretions accumulate in the tissues, producing a pseudocyst that contains saliva. Microscopically, the lining of the cyst is usually formed only by granulation tissue that is very thin. The treatment is surgical removal of the cyst as well as the associated minor salivary glands that lie close to the surface. The operation starts with a vertical incision in the mucosa (Fig.3). By a careful, blunt dissection the mucosa is detached from the cyst (Fig.4).
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Salivary Gland, Mucocele, Cryosurgery