アブストラクト(27巻1号:The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College)

The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College


Title : Quantity Analysis of Nitric Oxide (NO) by Iron Complex with Dithiocarboxy Sarcosine : Its Application to Determine the Direct Effect of NO on Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ -ATPase Activity
Subtitle : Selective Proceedings of 33rd General Meeting of Kanagawa Odontological Society, 1998
Authors : Hirofumi Shoji, Chang-il Lee, Eiichiro Okabe
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pharmacology and ESR Laboratory, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College
Volume : 27
Number : 1
Page : 70-72
Year/Month : 1999 / 3
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] In the present study, we tested the nitric oxide (NO) trapping efficiency of dithiocarbamate derivative N-(dithiocarboxy) sarcosine (DTCS) and assessed the accuracy of NO measuring system utilized electron spin resonance spectroscopy. We also investigated the direct effect of NO on Ca2+ -ATPase activity of cardiac sarcolpasmic reticulum (SR). Iron complex with DTCS (Fe(DTCS)2) was used as spintrapping reagent for NO. Fe(DTCS)2 complex reacted with NO released from NO donor NOC-7 to give an NO-Fe(DTCS)2 complex at 37℃. The spin concentration of formed NO-Fe(DTCS)2 was linearly increased in a NOC-7 concentration-dependent manner (r=1.00); the lowest detecting limit was 1μM NO. In the series of experiments for confirming the direct effect of NO, 30min of incubation of SR with 1mM NOC-7 (released cumulative NO concentration was 0.25mM) produced significant reduction of Ca2+ -ATPase activity; sulfhydryl group (-SH) content of SR vesicles was also decreased. Hence NO can depress Ca2+ -ATPase activity via modification of the key -SH groups on the ATPase molecule of the SR.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Nitric oxide, Electron spin resonance, ESR, Dithiocarbamate, Cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca2+ -ATPase