アブストラクト(32巻2号:The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College)

The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College


Title : Effects of Biting on nNOS in the Paraventricular Nucleus during the Restraint Stress
Subtitle : Selective Proceedings of 38th General Meeting of Kanagawa Odontological Society, 2003
Authors : Hidenori Ishii1, Norio Hori2, Juri Saruta1, Kenichi Sasaguri1, Masaichi C.Lee3, Sadao Sato1
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1Department of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College, 2Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Kanagawa Dental College, 3Department of Pharmacology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College
Volume : 32
Number : 2
Page : 133-135
Year/Month : 2004 / 9
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Nitric oxide (NO) modulates the activity of the endocrine system in the behavioral response to stressors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of restraining the body of an animal on expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and the inhibitory effect of para-masticatory activity on restraint-induced nNOS expression. We observed an increase in nNOS mRNA expression and nNOS positive neurons in the rat hypothalamus after 30 or 60 min restraint. Biting of wooden stick during bodily restraint decreased nNOS mRNA expression in hypothalamus. Moreover, the number of nNOS positive neurons was significantly reduced in the PVN of the hypothalamus. These observations clearly suggest a positive anti-stress effect of the masticatory activity of biting and this mechanism might be unconsciously in operation during an exposure to psychological stressors.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : biting, nNOS, PVN, restraint stress, rat