アブストラクト(33巻2号:The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College)

The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College


Title : Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Neuronal Cells in Chemically Defined Serum-Free Culture
Subtitle : Selective Proceedings of 39th General Meeting of Kanagawa Odontological Society, 2004
Authors : Miho Furue, Ryu-Ichiro Hata
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Biochemistry and Molecuiar Biology, Kanagawa Dental College, Oral Health Science Research Center, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College
Volume : 33
Number : 2
Page : 109-111
Year/Month : 2005 / 9
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [ABSTRACT] Murine embryonic stem cells have the potential to generate all differentiated cell types in vitro. However, the guidance of ES cell differentiation is poorly understood. We previously developed a chemically defined serum-free medium, designated ESF7, in which leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) clearly stimulated murine ES cell proliferation without feeder cells. In this culture medium, addition of FGF-2 in ESF 7 medium without LIF promoted ES cell differentiation into neuronal like cells. These populations of cells were immunoreactive with antibodies to nestin, β-tubulin III, A2B5 antigen, and GFAP. This simple serum-free adherent monoculture system will allow the elucidation of ES cell diffrerentiation process into neuroectodermal cells.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : ES, undifferentiated, serum-free, neuroectoderm, LIF