アブストラクト(35巻1号:The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College)

The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College


Title : A Clinical Evaluation of Sleep Bruxism -Using BruxCheker(R) and BiteStrip(R)-
Authors : Katsushi Tamaki, Tatsunori Ikeda, Hiroyuki Wake, Minoru Toyoda
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College
Volume : 35
Number : 1
Page : 17-23
Year/Month : 2007 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] This clinical study of bruxism has been compiled from results obtained in volunteer trials in order to evaluate the clinical application of two devices currently available on the market, namely BiteStrip(R) and BruxChecker(R). The 17 volunteers consisted of nine men (average: 24.0 (SD 2.8) years old) and eight women (average: 22.1 (SD 1.0) years old) and all were Kanagawa Dental College students. The results obtained using BiteStrip(R) were evaluated as follows: F0: no bruxism or fewer than 40 times/hour, F1: slight bruxism, 40-74 times/hour, F2: medium bruxism, 75-124 times/hour, F3: heavy bruxism, greater than 125 times/hour, E: technical error, X: mechanical error. The results obtained using BruxChecker(R) were defined as follows: P0: no peeling of ink, P1: slight peeling of ink, P2: medium peeling of ink, P3: heavy peeling of ink and perforation of foil. Three sets of BiteStrip(R) and BruxChecker(R) were distributed to all volunteers. The frequencies of the results obtained using BruxChecker(R) were P0: 8 (17%), P1: 8 (17%), P2: 11 (22%) and P3: 24 (44%). The frequencies of the results obtained were F0: 18 (35%), F1: 12 (23.5%), F2: 4 (8%) and F3: 1 (2%), E: 4 (8%) and X: 12 (23.5%). The rate of available data of BiteStrip(R) was 68.6% in BiteStrip(R). 1. BiteStrip(R) was effective for detecting comparatively heavy bruxism occurring during sleep. 2. BruxChecker(R) was effective for detecting low levels of bruxism that do not show up in BiteStrip(R). 3. BruxChecker(R) was effective for revealing the point where the upper and lower teeth make contact in bruxism occurring during sleep. 4. As for the intensity of bruxism, the tendency was stronger among the male volunteers than the female volunteers. 5. In the case of many volunteers who were conscious of their own bruxism, perforations were observed on the BruxChecker(R) foil. 6. Some of the female volunteers exhibited no bruxism.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Stress management, Occlusion, Clinical evaluation, Sleep bruxism