


Title : 先天性口唇瘻の発現機構
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 北村博則
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔組織学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 10
Number : 3
Page : 129-136
Year/Month : 1975 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I はじめに」先天性口唇瘻は先天性口唇小窩 (pit) の腔に粘液腺が開口したものである. 口唇瘻や口唇小窩は下口唇に両側性に, あるいは片側性に現われることもあるが, 両側性に現われることがもっとも多い. 上口唇でも唇裂が現われる位置で唇縁に片側性に, あるいは両側性に現われることがある. 上口唇の正中部 (正中唇裂が現われる位置) に現われることもある. Hilgenreimer (1924) は過去の文献から51例の先天性口唇瘻を集めて, その中から唇瘻の腔に粘液腺が開口している切片を提示している (Thoma : Oral pathology, Fig.987). このように先天性口唇瘻の発現率は比較的高く, 多数の症例が報告されているが, その発現機構について満足な説明をした人はいない. 「II 実験材料と方法」胎生32日から臨月までのヒト胎児約5,000例を肉眼あるいは実体顕微鏡で観察した.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : A Developmental Mechanism of Congenital Fistulae of Mucosal Pockets of the Lower Lip
Subtitle :
Authors : Hironori Kitamura
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Histogy
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 10
Number : 3
Page : 129-136
Year/Month : 1975 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Some 5,000 human fetuses ranged in age from 32 days to full term were examined macroscopically, in which 40 cases were cleft lip or cleft palate. From the samples selected 519 good shaped fetuses were examined histologically, in which 500 cases were noncleft and remaining 19 cases were cleft lip with or without cleft palate. In a sample of 32 days the lateral groove was found in the mandibular process. The lateral groove, however, was not found in any of the samples which were older than 33 days. The normal development of the lower lip resemdles that of the upper lip, i.e. the primordium of the lower lip is composed of lateral parts of the mondibular process and the middle part of it as that of the upper lip is composed of paired mexillary processes and the medial nasal process. Further, the middle part of the mandibular process is composed of a pair of mound-like swellings, while the marginal part of the medial nasal process is composed of a pair of globular processes. The lateral groove is located in the junction of the lateral part and the middle part of the mandidular process. Develop mental disorder of the lateral groove is responsible for pit or fistula formation in the lower lip, likewise that of the transient part between the medial nasal process and the maxillary process is responsible for cleft lip formation. In the present study no samples of cleft lip or cleft palate combined with congenital pits or fistulae of the lip were found. The previously published theories of pits or fistulae formation of the lip are discussed.
Practice : Dentistry
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