


Title : 2才児の食餌摂取の実態とう蝕罹患状況 第1報 : う蝕罹患状況と歯牙年齢による評価
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 内村登, 藤波貴美子, 山本千鶴子, 楯野英實, 鈴木康久, 佐藤博
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 11
Number : 1
Page : 29-38
Year/Month : 1976 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」乳歯は萌出直後のう蝕罹患性が高く, その年令的増加傾向については多くの報告がある. 著者らは先に1才児および3才児のう蝕罹患状況について報告したが, 2才児を中心にう蝕激増期を呈示しているものと思われた. そこで横須賀市在住の2才児513例を対象に調査し, 第1報として2才児のう蝕罹患状況について既報の歯牙年令を用い, 乳歯う蝕の臨床的評価を行なった. その結果, 調査した2才児のう蝕罹患者率は53.79%, 1人平均う歯数は2.54歯, 平均う蝕罹患歯率は13.64%であった. 歯種別では上顎乳中切歯, 下顎第1乳臼歯, 上顎乳側切歯, 下顎第2乳臼歯の順に高い罹患率を示し, 各歯種とも歯牙年令VII型で急増していた. 乳犬歯のう蝕は歯牙年令V型以降に初発し, VII型で急増していた. また, 乳犬歯はう蝕罹患の面から乳前歯部に属すべきと考えられた. 既報のう蝕罹患型によると, 上顎乳前歯と乳臼歯にわたってう蝕が発現したF型が最多で, 次いで乳臼歯のみに限局したD型が多かった. このように2才児ではう蝕の激増が著明であり, とくに萌出間もない乳臼歯のう蝕増加が著しかったことから, う蝕予防に関してもっと積極的な対応策が望まれた.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Eating Habits and Dental Caries Prevalence in Two-year-old Children Part 1. Dental Caries Prevalence estimated with Dental Age
Subtitle :
Authors : Noboru Uchimura, Kimiko Fujinami, Chizuko Yamamoto, Hidemi Tateno, Yasuhisa Suzuki, Hiroshi Sato
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 11
Number : 1
Page : 29-38
Year/Month : 1976 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : It has been reported by many authors that the deciduous teeth are very susceptible to the dental caries soon after they erupted, and thus that its incidence was increased as aging. The authors reported previously on the caries prevalence in Japanese 1-year-and 3-year-old children, and found that the period of acute exacervation in dental caries attack was perhaps in 2-year-old. Now, the authors surveyed the caries prevalence of Japanese 2-year-old children, 253 boys and 260 girls, living in Yokosuka-city, Kanagawa-prefecture, Japan, using the dental age which was discussed in the previous report on 1-year-old children, and evaluating clinically the dental caries. The results were as followings. 1) The caries prevalence rate in two-year-old children was 53.79%, mean decayed teeth per child was 2.54, and mean decayed teeth rate per erupted was 13.64%. 2) The caries prevalence rate was increased with the increasing dental age. 3) The prevalence rate in each deciduous teeth was high in order of upper central incisor, lower first molar, upper lateral incisor and lower second molar, and was the lowest in lower canine. 4) The prevalence rate of every deciduous tooth increased abruptly in VII type of dental age. 5) The incidence of dental caries of the deciduous canine was found in and after V type of dental age and exacerbated acutely in VII type. 6) The most frequent pattern of all caries attack patterns reported previously was F type, which upper anterior teeth and upper and lower molars were suffered from dental caries, and the next was D type which only upper and lower molars suffered from dental caries. 7) Since the acute exacerbation in dental caries was remarkable in 2-year-old children, and the caries prevalence rate of deciduous molars was high, especially soon after they erupted, it was suggested that the further active procedure of the dental caries prevention was necessary.
Practice : Dentistry
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