- > 一般の方
- > バックナンバー:神奈川歯学
- > 13巻1号
- > アブストラクト
Title : | 機械インピーダンスからみたスタッドアタッチメントの形態に関する研究 |
Subtitle : | 原著 |
Authors : | 小笠原光彦, 松尾悦郎 |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | 神奈川歯科大学大学院補綴学専攻 |
Journal : | 神奈川歯学 |
Volume : | 13 |
Number : | 1 |
Page : | 15-59 |
Year/Month : | 1978 / 6 |
Article : | 原著 |
Publisher : | 神奈川歯科大学学会 |
Abstract : | 「抄録」歯槽骨の吸収防止や自己受容器の存在による咀嚼のフィードバック機構の確保が行なわれるといわれているオーバーデンチャーにはアタッチメントが使用されることがあるが, この形態や機構が咬合圧の伝達に対してどのような影響をおよぼすかはあまり解明されていない. 今回筆者はこの問題を解決するために, 実験的なスタッドアタッチメントを製作し, できるだけアタッチメント自体の本質を知りえるような実験計画を行なった. また, 咀嚼中の力を単なる静的荷重で行なったのでは, その解明が困難であると考え, 動的荷重即ち衝撃として考えて振動学的解明をすることにし, 振動研究の一方法である機械インピーダンスを応用し, 周波数, Q値, 機械インピーダンスなどの分析結果からスタッドアタッチメントの形態差の解明を試みた. なお, 対象としたアタッチメントの形態は円筒型(Cy), 球型(Sph), 無間隙円錐型(Cone-NS)および有間隙円錐型(Cone-S)である. 実験結果を要約すると次のとおりである. 1)周波数帯域は0°加振でCy, Sphが5KHz帯域, Cone-NSが4KHz帯域, Cone-Sが3.15KHz帯域にあった. 2)共振周波数からみた場合, Cy, Sphは同一タイプのもので, Cone型とは区別して考えることができる. 3)共振周波数からみた場合, 溝の組み合わせによる変化が少し認められ, フィメールに溝のあるものが共振周波数を低くした. 4)機械インピーダンスにおいてCyとSphは60°加振で差があり, 0°および30°加振では差が認められなかった. 5)機械インピーダンスにおいてCone型ではNSとS間に差が少なく, 加振角度を増すにしたがって値が大きくなった. 6)総通過エネルギー量は共振周波数に類似した傾向を認めCy, SphがCone型よりも値が小さく, 加振角度を増すと値が大きくなった. 7)Cone型における総通過エネルギー量は加振角度を増しても値の増加程度は著明でなかった. 8)Cy, Sphは5KHz帯域に共振点をもつ剛なアタッチメントで, 5KHz帯域より低い帯域の加振周波数は装置内で減衰され, 5KHz帯域より高い加振周波数はアタッチメント自身のmassで受けとめることになる. また, 内部の抵抗値はCone型のものより大きいので総通過エネルギー量が小さい. 9)0°加振を垂直咬合力, 60°加振を側方咬合力と考えるとCy, Sphは加わった垂直咬合力の幅広い帯域の周波数をアタッチメントで減衰し, 内部での抵抗値が大きく下部に力をおよぼしにくく, 総通過エネルギー量も小さい. この傾向は側方咬合力においても認められるがCone型のような大差を認めない. 10)Cone型では垂直咬合力が加わった場合, Cy, Sphよりも低い帯域の周波数しか減衰できず, また抵抗値も小さく総通過エネルギー量が大きい. 側方咬合力が加わった場合にはCy, Sphにおけるよりも大きな変化を生じ, 周波数帯域は低下し, 機械インピーダンス値が増大するが, Cone-S間には総通過エネルギー量の差を認めない. 11)総体的にみて, 臨床で緩圧性があると考えられている形態が周波数帯域が低く, 総通過エネルギー量が増大し垂直加振では下部に及ぼす影響差は少なくなる. |
Practice : | 歯科学 |
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Title : | Study on shape of stud-attachment by means of mechanical impedance |
Subtitle : | |
Authors : | Mitsuhiko Ogasawara, E.Matsuo |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | Department of 1st Prosthetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College |
Journal : | Kanagawa Shigaku |
Volume : | 13 |
Number : | 1 |
Page : | 15-59 |
Year/Month : | 1978 / 6 |
Article : | Original article |
Publisher : | Kanagawa Odontological Society |
Abstract : | [Abstract]: The overdenture is said to insure the feedback mechanism for mastication which is dependent on the presence of the proprioceptor and the prevention of resorption in the alveolar bone. An attachment can be used with the overdenture. However, it has not yet been made clear what effect is produced by the addition of masticatory pressure to this shape and mechanism. In the present experiment, the author, in order to make such processes clear, constructed an experimental stud-attachment and carried out an experiment concentrating as much as possible on finding out the properties of the attachment itself. Realizing that it would be difficult to gain information using simple static weighting as the force in mastication, the author used dynamic weighting, namely, shock and sought to clarify the process in terms of vibration. We applied mechanical impedance, one method useful in studies of vibration, and sought to find out the differences found among different types of attachments in terms of the analysis of such factors as frequency, Q-value, and mechanical impedance. The shapes of the various attachments tested were : cylinder (Cy), sphere (Sph), cone-solid (Cone-NS) and cone-hollow (Cone-S) respectively. [summary] 1) The resonance frequency varied depending on the shape of the attachment with Cy, Sph showing the highest frequency and Cone-NS and Cone-S next in order. 2) At 0° acceleration, the Cy and Sph showed a band of 5KHz, the Cone-NS a band of 4KHz, and the Cone-S a band of 3.15KHz. 3) At 0° accelertion there was recorded difference between Cone-NS and Cone-S but at 30° and 60° there was no noticeable difference. 4) From the above we can see that Cy and Sph, considered in terms of resonance frequency, are of the same type and can be distinguished from Cone. 5) In terms of resonance frequency, we can see some small changes resulting from the matching of the grooves. Those devices with grooves in the female section showed lower resonance frequencies. 6) With mechanical impedance, the Cy and Sph showed differences at 0° and 60° frequency vibration but the difference was small at 30°. 7) There was little difference between the NS and S types of Cone attachments, when the angle of vibration was increased the value went up. 8) A similarity was noted between the level of general passing energy and resonance frequency. The Cy and Sph had lower values than the Cone. when the angle of vibration was increased, the value of frequency also increased. 9) For the Cone-shaped attachments, there was no marked increase in value for the general passing energy even when the angle of vibration was increased. 10) The resonance frequency and general passing energy levels are effective means for finding out the properties of the entire structure when we think of the attachment as the connecting system. Mechanical impedance and Q-value are effective means for finding out the nature of decrease in force in the internal structure of the attachment and what effects there are on the lower portion. 11) The Cy and Sph are both solid attachments showing resonance levels on the 5KHz band. Resonance frequency which is lower than 5KHz is decreased in the internal structure of the devices and in such cases where the resonance frequency is more than 5KHz it is stopped by the mass of the attachment itself. Also, since the value of resistance in the internal structure is higher than that for the Cone, the level of general passing energy is low. 12) If we think of 0°vibration as perpendicular occlusal force and 60°as lateral occlusal force for the Cy and Sph, the wide frequencyband for the added perpendicular occlusal force is decreased by the attachment, the resistance value for the internal structure is high and the level of general passing energy is low. This tendency is also observable in the case of lateral force, but the differences are not as great as those with the cone. 13) When perpendicular occlusal force is applied to the Cone, it can only decrease a lower frequency band than the Cy and the Sph. In addition, the resistance value is low and the level of general passing energy is high. When lateral occlusal force is applied, it causes a greater change than that found with the Cy and Sph. The frequency band goes lower, and the value for mechanical impedance increases. However, no differences in general passing energy were noted for Cone-S and Cone-NS. 14) Looking at things as a whole, those shapes which are clinically considered to have stress-braking properties had low-frequency bands. In addition, the level of general passing energy increased and with perpendicular vibration the differences in influence on the lower portion disappeared. |
Practice : | Dentistry |
Keywords : |