- > 一般の方
- > バックナンバー:神奈川歯学
- > 16巻2号
- > アブストラクト
Title : | 関節円板の血管構築と微細血管の超微構造について 第1報 成犬の関節円板について |
Subtitle : | 原著 |
Authors : | 間宮信, 岩淵通, 高橋和人 |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室 |
Journal : | 神奈川歯学 |
Volume : | 16 |
Number : | 2 |
Page : | 218-236 |
Year/Month : | 1981 / 9 |
Article : | 原著 |
Publisher : | 神奈川歯科大学学会 |
Abstract : | 「抄録」 ヒト顎関節円板中央部の無血管部の存在については多数の報告がある. 無血管部の大きさは動物の種によって多少異なる. 成犬の合成樹脂血管鋳型標本を観察すると, 円板中央部は血管が欠如し, 血管網の存在する部位は円板周辺部にかぎられ, 血管網は, 滑膜下に存在し上下二層に分けられている. 上層では, 主幹をなす静脈-動脈-静脈の3本より細枝が出て亀甲状の網目を形成している. 下層では, 静脈が主幹をなし, 動脈の随伴はみられない. 上下層の血管網の末梢部, すなわち無血管部に隣接する部位の微細血管は, 単純なヘアーピンループから複雑なものまで, 様々な形態のループ形成をして終わっている. 一方血管網の血管腔の超微構造について観察すると, 滑膜に存在する毛細管網には多くの有窓性血管が認められ, その小孔には隔膜が存在し, 比較的厚い基底膜がみられた. |
Practice : | 歯科学 |
Keywords : |
Title : | Architecture and Ultrastructure of Vasculature in the Articular Disc of the Temporomandibular Joint in Dog. I. Articular Disc in Adult Dogs. |
Subtitle : | |
Authors : | Makoto MAMIYA, Toru IWABUCHI, Kazuto TAKAHASHI |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College |
Journal : | Kanagawa Shigaku |
Volume : | 16 |
Number : | 2 |
Page : | 218-236 |
Year/Month : | 1981 / 9 |
Article : | Original article |
Publisher : | Kanagawa Odontological Society |
Abstract : | Many reports have been published on the presence of avascular area in the central part of the articular disc in the human temporomandibular joint. The size of the avascular area somewhat varies according to the animal species. Observation on the resin cast specimens of vasculature in adult dogs revealed the following : the central part of the articular disc was avascular and the vascular network was localized under the synovial membrane of the periphery of the disc. The vascular network under the synovial membrane facing the superior synovial cavity consisted of vein-artery-vein trunks from which fine branches gave off forming a crossfence network. The other vascular network over the synovial membrane facing the inferior synovial cavity consisted of veins with no accompanied artery. These vascular networks terminated in the avascular area as fine capillaries with variant forms of a simple hair-pin loop to complicated ones. On the other hand the ultrastructural observation on the fine vascular network under the synovial membrane revealed that many fenestrated capillaries were found in the net-work and the pore of capillary wall with a relatively thick basal lamina had always a thin diaphragm. |
Practice : | Dentistry |
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