- > 一般の方
- > バックナンバー:神奈川歯学
- > 16巻4号
- > アブストラクト
Title : | 家兎歯槽骨細胞の骨基質有機質合成能に関する研究 |
Subtitle : | 原著 |
Authors : | 三輪一郎 |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | 神奈川歯科大学矯正学教室 |
Journal : | 神奈川歯学 |
Volume : | 16 |
Number : | 4 |
Page : | 459-476 |
Year/Month : | 1982 / 3 |
Article : | 原著 |
Publisher : | 神奈川歯科大学学会 |
Abstract : | 「緒言」 歯槽骨は, 歯周靱帯を介して歯を歯槽に固定保持し, 常に外部からの機械的刺激を受けて活発な組織改造を続けている. このような骨の改造は, 組織を構成する細胞群の機能によってもたらされるものであり, 歯槽骨細胞は外部からの刺激に応じた物質代謝を営むことによって, 刺激に抵抗しうる構造へ, また安定した内部環境へと組織を改造するものと考えられる. 一般に骨が形成される過程を観察すると, 細胞は他の結合組織におけると同様にまず基質を構成する有機質成分を合成しており, これらの合成分泌がある程度進行した段階でそこに無機塩の沈着がおこり硬組織としての形態が整っていくようである. 従って, 歯槽骨の改造機転を理解するには歯槽骨の基質有機質について検討を加えることが肝要と思われる. 従来, 硬組織の有機質成分については, 象牙質や象牙前質, あるいは緻密骨などを材料として構成有機質成分を分離精製し, 主にその組成や物性を物理的あるいは化学的に調べるような方法がとられてきた. |
Practice : | 歯科学 |
Keywords : |
Title : | Study of Organic Matrix Biosynthesis in the Rabbit Alveolar Bone Cells |
Subtitle : | Original article |
Authors : | Ichiro MIWA |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College |
Journal : | Kanagawa Shigaku |
Volume : | 16 |
Number : | 4 |
Page : | 459-476 |
Year/Month : | 1982 / 3 |
Article : | Original article |
Publisher : | Kanagawa Odontological Society |
Abstract : | Abstract : In order to determine the physiological metabolic activity of alveolar bone cells, biosynthesis of the organic matrix in vitro was explored using either 3H-proline or 3H-glucosamine as a tracer. Japanese white rabbits were killed and the alveolar bones were dissected out of the skull. Bone fragments were incubated with radioisotope in Krebs Ringer phosphate buffer pH 7.4 at 37℃ for 120 minutes. Following incubation, the tissues and media were fractionated into intracellular macromolecules, extracellular macromolecules, 0.5 M EDTA extractable macromolecules, 10% hot TCA solubilized fraction, and insoluble matrix components. These samples were subjectd to biochemical analysis. The analytic results were as follows : 1. More than 50% of 3H-proline was incorporated into collagen biosynthesis and the synthetic collagen was rapidly insolubilized in extracellular space. 2. Approximately 40% of 3H-proline was incorporated into non-collagenous protein. Much radioactivity was detected in the glycoprotein fraction. 3. Large amounts of 3H-glucosamine existed in proteoglycan and glycoprotein fraction was extracted from extracellular medium and EDTA extractable matrix component. 4. Alveolar bone cells actively produced a hyarulonic acid and a considerable amount of the hyarulonic acid existed in extracellular medium. 5. Glycoproteins produced by the alveolar bone cells consisted of various components which were not separated distinctly on gel chromatogram and SDS disc electrophoresis. 6. Although the rabbit alveolar bone cells produced large amounts of non-collagenous proteins, it seemed that these proteins disappeared according to matrix maturation and/or calcification processes. |
Practice : | Dentistry |
Keywords : |