- > 一般の方
- > バックナンバー:神奈川歯学
- > 18巻2号
- > アブストラクト
Title : | 1歳児の間食摂取の推移と齲蝕罹患との関係に関する経年的研究 |
Subtitle : | 原著 |
Authors : | 畑良明 |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室, 東日本学園大学歯学部歯科保存学第二講座 |
Journal : | 神奈川歯学 |
Volume : | 18 |
Number : | 2 |
Page : | 200-221 |
Year/Month : | 1983 / 9 |
Article : | 原著 |
Publisher : | 神奈川歯科大学学会 |
Abstract : | 「緒言」 目覚ましい成長発育を続ける乳幼児に対し, 乳歯齲蝕は心身に多大な影響を与えるといわれている. この乳歯齲蝕に関しては, 初発年齢の低下および重症化が指摘されて久しかったが, 昭和56年度3歳児歯科健康診査状況によれば, 齲蝕有病者率は61.7%と依然として高率であるものの, 一人平均齲蝕数は3.26歯とやや改善のきざしが認められるようになった. しかし, 低年齢児は診療室内の協力が得られないことが多く, 相変わらず大多数が未処置のまま放置されているのが実情である. 乳幼児に発症する齲蝕は, 一般に保護者である母親の育児に左右され, 乳幼児の生活習慣, 特に食生活, 食習慣が強くかかわっている. したがって, 保護者は乳幼児に対して正しい生活習慣, 躾けの確立を行わなければならない. このような理由から, 小児の齲蝕罹患と食物摂取との関連について調査した報告は数多い. しかし, いずれの報告も調査対象である小児が比較的高年齢であるか, あるいは齲蝕指数を歯科検診時の食生活, 食習慣と対比したり, 過去の不明瞭な離乳などとの関係を対比しているに過ぎない. |
Practice : | 歯科学 |
Keywords : |
Title : | A Longitudinal Study on Correlation Between Eating Habits and Dental Caries Prevalence in the One-year Old Children |
Subtitle : | |
Authors : | Yoshiaki HATA |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa College, Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dental Dentistry, Higashi-Nippon-Gakuen University |
Journal : | Kanagawa Shigaku |
Volume : | 18 |
Number : | 2 |
Page : | 200-221 |
Year/Month : | 1983 / 9 |
Article : | Original article |
Publisher : | Kanagawa Odontological Society |
Abstract : | Abstract : The following investigation was conducted to study the relation between the caries prevalence and eating habits. In this study, 154 children (71 males and 83 females), inhabiting within the district of Hokubu Health Center of Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Pref., were followed up from I to 3 years of age. Their eating habits and dietary records were obtained, and their oral findings were examined. The results were as follows 1. The df rates per person in children of 1, 2, and 3 years of age were 6.5%, 48.7%, and 82.5% respectively. The elf teeth per child and the df rates per erupted teeth tended also to increase in proportion to age. 2. The dft tends to be lower in children fed with artificial milk than in those with maternal milk, and higher in children under free-time feeding than in those under controlled feeding. 3. The children, who had been fed with artificial milk 4 months after birth on, showed higher rift as compared with children whose bottle-feeding was initiated before the 4th month after birth. Moreover, in children who used to fall asleep with bottle, an increase in dft was observed as aging. 4. Both in the group of children who had drinks from early months after birth and in the group of children who ate freely confectionery, the dft tended to increase, and was significantly high in the children of 3 years of age. 5. The rates of taking of soda pops and colas as drink, and of chocolate, gum and candy as confectionery increased as children who were always having these drinks and foods was high, and increased significantly. 6. The more often these drinks and confectionery were taken, the higher was the dft significantly. It was, therefore, advisable that between-meals would be taken within twice a day. |
Practice : | Dentistry |
Keywords : |