


Title : 血管鋳型法を用いた走査型電顕によるイヌ口蓋粘膜の血管構築
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 佐用安祥
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 2
Page : 167-191
Year/Month : 1985 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」口蓋は口腔の天蓋をなし, 前方の硬口蓋(大部)後方の軟口蓋(小部)よりなり, 口腔と鼻腔の境をなしている部分である. 口蓋粘膜には正中口蓋縫線がみられ, その両側には6~10条の横口蓋ヒダがある. それは獣類では一般によく発達し, 摂餌行動の補助装置をなしているといわれる. 口蓋粘膜を栄養する血管に関しては, 洋の東西を問わず種々の動物を用いた多数の研究報告がある. ヒトの口蓋扁桃および, その付近に分布する上行口蓋動脈ならびに下行口蓋動脈の分布について, Fisher(1913), Browne(1928), 都川(1939), 楢原(1954)らの研究業績がある. 家兎では, 佐藤(1950)の報告があり, ヒト胎児を扱った斉藤(1960)は, 口蓋を養う動脈は, 大口蓋動脈, 小口蓋動脈, 中隔後鼻動脈, 上行口蓋動脈, 上行咽頭動脈であり, これらの主枝の間の細分枝によって網目を作っていると述べている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : A Scanning Electron Microscope Study on Vascular Architecture of Dog Palate Mucosa using Corrosion Casts.
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Yasuyoshi SAYO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 2
Page : 167-191
Year/Month : 1985 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : This study was conducted to consider if there is a control mechanism of body temperature in the palate as well as in the tongue of dogs by investigating the vascular architecture beneath it. Dog palate was examined by both scanning electron microscope using corrosion casts and transmission electron microscope. The vascular network in the tunica propria showed a dense distribution, it especially appeared in tall hairpin capillary loops in accordance with the contour of transverse palatine ridges. In the tela submucosa a highly developed venous plexus existed. These vessels of the venous plexus coursed longitudinally from the anterior to the posterior region and anastomosed with each other in several places. Especially in the anterior region the venous plexus was a well developed 3-5 layers thick, became less dense, and became increasing in diameter toward the posterior region eventully connecting to the veins of the soft palate. This result was different from that of Swindle(1959)using a section method. In the incisive foramen these vessels connected to the vascular network supporting the nasal mucosa. An elevation of the venous plexus has a shape conforming to the outline of transeverse palatine ridges. All collecting venules from the lamina propria became larger in diameter and connected almost at right angles with the superficial blood vessels of the venous plexus. In these vessels, there were many valves(2-3 cusps)from the rear part of molar teeth to the soft palate and also a bascket-like vascular network. Taking vascular architecture and physiological function of the dog palate mucosa into account, it was suggested that there is a possibility that a highly developed venous plexus may function as a storage tank of blood and that heat from the body may be exhaled efficiently through this dense vascular network in the lamina propria.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :