


Title : 培養腫瘍細胞におけるGa-67の取り込みとATP代謝
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小林雅人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学放射線学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 4
Page : 439-448
Year/Month : 1986 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」67Ga-citrate(以下67Gaと略す)は現在, 悪性腫瘍および急性炎症の病巣の画像診断に広く利用されている. しかし, 67Gaが細胞に取り込まれるメカニズムは, 現在も完全に解明されていない. 1970年, Hayesら, 1972年, Bichelらは, 67Gaの悪性腫瘍への取り込みは, 変性もしくは壊死の組織よりも活動性の組織に多く取り込まれ, 細胞の増殖と関係があるらしいと報告した. 1984年, 当教室の山口は, 培養腫瘍細胞を用いて, 67Gaの取り込みが細胞周期のS期(DNA合成期)で最も多くなることを報告した. 一方, 1978年, Ishiguroら1984年, Weismanらは, DNA合成にATPが重要な役割をはたしていると述べている. そこで今回, 著者は培養腫瘍細胞を用いて, 細胞内のATP代謝と67Gaの取り込みの関係を検討した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Experimental study on Ga-67 uptake and ATP metabolism in cultured tumor cells
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Masato KOBAYASHI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Radiology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 4
Page : 439-448
Year/Month : 1986 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : In order to clarify the molecular mechanism of Ga-67 uptake in malignant tumor cells, the effects of NaF and ouabain on Ga-67 uptake in mouse leukemia cells were examined. The uptake of Ga-67 in control cells had gradually increased during incubation with a concomitant cell proliferation. However, when NaF was added to these cells suspensions, Ga-67 uptake did not increase and kept a constant level, and ATP content of these NaF treated cells was much lower than that of control cells, because NaF is a potent inhibitor of glycolysis. Therefore the process of Ga-67 uptake in these cells is considered to be dependent on intracellular ATP content. Then the effect of ouabain, a specific inhibitor of Na+ -K+ -ATP ase in the plasmamembrane, on Ga-67 uptake was investigated. After addition of ouabain to them, not only a cell proliferation but also Ga-67 uptake was strongly inhibited, although ATP content of these ouabain treated cells had slightly increased as compared with control cells. Overall, these results strongly suggest that the process of Ga-67 uptake is ATP dependent and that Na+ -K+ -ATP ase plays an important role in Ga-67 uptake. Further, when Fe-59 was used in stead of Ga-67, similar results were obtained. The accumulation of Ga-67 seemed to closely resemble that of Fe-59, indicating that there was a close correlation between Ga-67 and Fe-59.
Practice : Dentistry
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