


Title : 唾液腺主導管上皮の細胞間隙に見る白血球の役割について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 中村聡, 王敦正*, 小串政彦, 蘇正尭, 松本圭, 松尾雅斗, 岸好彰, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室, *台北医学院牙医学系口腔外科
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 4
Page : 467-475
Year/Month : 1986 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」一般に正常な多くの器官には, 白血球が結合組織から上皮組織の細胞間隙に入り込んでいるが, これら白血球は, 生体を取り巻く外部環境からの微生物の侵入に対して, 生体の免疫防御反応の一部として働いていることで知られている. 口腔領域においても, 肉眼的に健康な, あるいは無菌飼育ラットの付着上皮の細胞間隙にも, かなりの数の白血球浸潤が認められており, 同様に透過性関門の構造と機能を欠く付着上皮への外来侵襲に対する防御機構が考えられる. このことは, それら白血球が炎症時にはその数を増し, その喰菌作用やラインゾーム酵素の放出などによって, 上皮表層からの細菌や毒素の侵入を阻止していることでもわかる. しかしながら, 付着上皮の細胞間隙に存在する白血球の数は, 歯肉溝に近づくにつれてその数は増加するが, 必ずしも歯肉下結合組織の炎症の程度や臨床的外観とは一致しないという報告もあり, 白血球が防御機構としてだけでなく, 他の働きもしている可能性を伺わせている.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : The role of leukocytes found in intercellular space of the main excretory duct epithelium of salivary gland
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Satoshi NAKAMURA, Duen-Jeng WANG*, Masahiko KOGUSHI, Seigyo So, Kei MATSUMOTO, Masato MATSUO, Yoshiaki KISHI, Kazuto TAKAHASHI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Knagawa Dental College, *Deparment of Dentistry, Taipei Medical College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 4
Page : 467-475
Year/Month : 1986 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : When studying the process of endocytosing constituents by the epithelial cells of the main excretory duct of salivary gland, many leukocytes were often identified migrating from connective tissue into the intercellular space of the main excretory duct. It has been suggested that in most normal organ the migration of leukocytes from connective tissue into intercellular space of epithelium may be an immunopreventive mechanism of body against the invasion of microorganism. In order to elucidate the role of leukocyte found in the excretory duct epitheliu of salivary gland, this study has been conducted to observe the movement of leukocyte during the process of cellular digestion to maintain homeostasis following horseradish peroxidase(HRP: about 40A in diameter) ingestion into the epithelial cells. The result indicated that leukocytes found in intercellular space has an capability of phagocytosing residual body of HRP which eventually was digested and decomposed by lysosome. Accordingly, it is reasonable to suggest that the leukocyte found in intercellular space is capable of phagocytosing the residual product of metabolic process conducted by epithelial cells of excretory duct, namely participate with a eliminate mechanism of foreign body as immunoresponse in epithelial tissue.
Practice : Dentistry
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