


Title : 口腔疾患における臨床化学的検索 - Amylase Isoenzyme -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 木村友七, 沼上明美, 石井寸実代, 八木伸, 伊東利, 東川敬, 菊池信弥*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学臨床病理学教室中央検査科, *神奈川県開業
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 20
Number : 4
Page : 482-496
Year/Month : 1986 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」近年, 組織および血液中に種々の酵素が発見されてから, 疾患との関連が他の組織・臓器よりの干渉を受けることや, 特異性の面で色々と検索されているが, 明らかではない. 機能および生理的に類似した組織学的構造を有する器官は, 生体的に多く存在する. 消化性分泌器官における耳下腺と膵臓は, 外観上においても, 解剖学的位置からしても遠隔位にあるが, しかし, 機能的面において相互に類似性がある. 血清amylase活性は, 唾液腺疾患を含む重症口腔疾患, 膵疾患のほかに肝および胆道疾患, 胸・腹膜疾患, 腎不全, 肺疾患(癌性を含む), 各癌性疾患ならびに諸種手術, その他各種疾患時において変動が認められている. また, Amylase活性度は, 臓器環境, 栄養状態, ホルモン調節, 遺伝的関係等の関与も考慮しなければならない. 消化器系の外・内分泌酵素は, 以前よりかなり重要視されていて, 種々の検索がなされており, 最近になりその重要性が再指摘されているが, 血清amylase活性とその疾患と病態については, 未解明な面が多い.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : A Study of Clinical Chemistry in Oral Diseases - Amylase Isoenzyme -
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Tomoshichi KIMURA, Akemi NUMAKAMI, Sumiyo ISHII, Shin YAGI, Satoshi ITO, Takashi AZUMAGAWA, Nobuya KIKUCHI*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Clinical Pathology and Central Laboratories, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 20
Number : 4
Page : 482-496
Year/Month : 1986 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Measurement of serum amylase activity in 93 cases of oral disease was carried out making use of total amylase and serum amylase isoenzyme. An examination was made of total amylase(T-value)and zymogram patterns for the pancreatic type of amylase isoenzyme(P-P value P%) and the salivary gland type (S-S value. S%). 1) Prior to an operation on tongue cancer and cancer of the lower jaw, there was evidence of inflammation of the submandibular gland and parotid glands as well as an increase in T and S values. There was also a decrease in the P value at the parotid gland. In the case of cancer of the upper jaw and lymphoadenitis, there was an increase in S-S percentage and a tendency towards a P decrease. 2) A comparison of zymograms according to illness at a danger rate of 95% showed that inflammations of the lower jaw, parotid glands, tumor of the palate and cancer of the lower jaw had all obtained high T-values and S-S percentages. As for lymphoadenitis and cancer of the lower jaw, The T-values were lower and the S-S percentages were high. 3) Relationship between changes on standing and radiation therapy: (a) In comparing conditions before and after operating on cancer of the lower jaw, it was found that, prior to operating, the decrease in T-values and S was in a parallel relationship. Following the operation there was a tendency for the T-values and for S to increase. (b) Irradiation prior to an operation on cancer of the tongue showed an increase in T-value and in S. P. Irradiation following the operation showed an increase in S only.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :