- > 一般の方
- > バックナンバー:神奈川歯学
- > 24巻2号
- > アブストラクト
Title : | ヒト歯根膜線維芽細胞の生化学的研究 - 1, 25(OH)2D3 依存性アルカリフォスファターゼについて - |
Subtitle : | 原著 |
Authors : | 青木章子, 斎藤滋 |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | 神奈川歯科大学口腔生化学教室 |
Journal : | 神奈川歯学 |
Volume : | 24 |
Number : | 2 |
Page : | 311-321 |
Year/Month : | 1989 / 9 |
Article : | 原著 |
Publisher : | 神奈川歯科大学学会 |
Abstract : | 「緒言」歯周組織は常に咬合力を受け, 特に歯根膜組織は2つの石灰化組織であるセメント質と歯槽骨の間に分布し, 常時咬合力を受ける強靱な結合組織である. しかも歯根膜は発生学的にセメント質と歯槽骨と同じ歯小嚢由来であるにも拘らず, 石灰化能を欠いた高度に分化した組織と考えられる. 一方, Saitoらによりヒト歯根膜組織片からexplant法により, ヒト歯根膜線維芽細胞(Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblast, HPLF)の培養が可能となった. その結果HPLFは, アルカリフォスファターゼ(ALPase)活性を示すことから, 歯肉及び皮膚由来の線維芽細胞とも異なることが明らかになり, osteoblastic fibroblastと提唱された. また, Yamadaらはウシ歯根膜にALPase活性染色をおこなったところ線維芽細胞の細胞膜ばかりでなく, 細胞外基質にもALPase活性があることがわかった. また最近Somermanら及びCarnesらはヒト歯根膜組織中にALPase活性の高い線維芽細胞が存在したと報告している. |
Practice : | 歯科学 |
Keywords : | ヒト歯根膜線維芽細胞, ビタミンD3, アルカリフォスファターゼ |
Title : | Biochemical Study of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts - 1, 25(OH)2D3 Dependent Alkaline Phosphatase - |
Subtitle : | Original article |
Authors : | Fumiko AOKI, Shigeru Saito |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | Department of Oral Biochemistry, Kanagawa Dental College |
Journal : | Kanagawa Shigaku |
Volume : | 24 |
Number : | 2 |
Page : | 311-321 |
Year/Month : | 1989 / 9 |
Article : | Original article |
Publisher : | Kanagawa Odontological Society |
Abstract : | Abstract : Saito et al recently reported that the alkallne phosphatase (ALPase) of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPLF) showed remarkably high activity which was similar, but not identical phenotype, to that present in osteoblasts, and suggested that HPLF could be termed as "osteoblastic fibroblast." The present study attempts to explore the ALPase synthesized on HPLF in relation to 1,25(OH)2D3. These HPLF were obtained by the explantation method and then subcultured in D-MEM containing 2mg FCSP/ml, 50μg ascorbic acid/ml and penicillin/streptomycin after trypsinization. The HPLF were inoculated at a cell density of 1.25×104 cells/cm2 in culture wells. After 24hr, the HPLF were treated every two days for 7 days with 0.5-10nM 1, 25(OH)2D3. Then, ALPase activity, DNA and protein contents were assayed by the methods using p-nitrophenylphosphate, diaminobenzoic acid and Coomassie Brilliant Blue, respectivcly. Also, ALPase was prepared from the confluent HPLF incubated with 5nM 1, 25(OH)2D3 for 12 days, and digested with and without trypsin. The crude ALPase which was solubilized with 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 containing 0.2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1% NP-40 was applied to 5-15% gradient SDS-PAGE and stained with β-naphththylacid phosphate and First Blue BB salt in 60 mM borate buffer pH9.7. The cell growth which was assayed by DNA contents and the incorporation of 3H-thymidine was decreased by 1, 25(OH)2D3. On the other hand, ALPase activity was increased approximately 3.6 fold at 6 day by the addition of 5 nM 1, 25(OH)2 D3. From the separation of ALPase activity on SDS-PAGE, 110 K and 120-130 K ALPase were identified. The 110 K ALPase, which was not changed by 1, 25(OH)2D3, was converted to 100 K, releasing 10 K peptide after trypsin treatment. This 110 K ALPase might be tightly associated with cell membrane structure. The 120-130 K ALPase was remarkably increased by 1, 25(OH)2D3 on SDS-PAGE and completely digested with trypsin. The ALPase in the cultured HPLF might be located not only on the plasma membrane but also in the extracellular matrix. Therefore, 1, 25(OH)2D3 may regulate the cell cycle and also the gene expression of ALPase of HPLF. |
Practice : | Dentistry |
Keywords : |