


Title : レーザーホログラフィー干渉法による歯冠補綴物の力学的検討 - 実験方法のシステム化を中心として -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 山村雅章1),2), 青木英夫1), 浮谷實2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第3講座, 2)神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第2講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 24
Number : 3
Page : 450-462
Year/Month : 1989 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I はじめに」歯冠補綴物は, 審美性, 組織親和性ばかりでなく, 物理・化学的安定性にもすぐれていなければならない. とりわけ, それが生体と調和して機能を営むためには, 少なくとも装着時の状態が長期にわたって維持される必要がある. 臨床的には, 支台歯形成法, 歯冠補綴物の機械的性質, 合着材の開発などの著しい進歩によって, 臨床上の初期段階としては, 極めて良好な装着が可能となっている. しかしながら, 長期的にみると依然として破損や脱落, さらには二次的な齲蝕に遭遇する機会も多い. 従って, 歯冠補綴物は支台歯形態, 材料など, 個々の機械的性質のみならず, それらが口腔内にセメント合着された状態での環境変化における動態, すなわち, 金属疲労, 応力集中などを総合的に観察, 評価することが必要であると思われる. そのために過去に多くの研究がなされてきたが, その主なるものを挙げれば, 1) 模型を使用して機械的作用の伝播の様相を明らかにする方法や, 2) 歯冠補綴物そのものを使用して, 三次元的な微少変形を検討する方法が試みられている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : ホログラフィ, 歯冠補綴物, 垂直荷重


Title : A Mechanical Evaluation of Crown Restoration by Means of Laser Holographic Interferometry - With a Primary Regard to Establish a System for an Experimental Method -
Subtitle : Original article
Authors : Masaaki YAMAMURA1),2), Hideo Aoki1), Makoto Ukiya2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)Department of Crown & Bridge Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College, 2)Departmcnt of Complete Denture Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 24
Number : 3
Page : 450-462
Year/Month : 1989 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : This study was conducted to perform mechanical evaluations of crown restorations by Laser Holographic Interferometry (LHI). However, in an application of LHI, the Fujinon Holox FHLX-II system (He-Ne Gas Laser GLG-5700, NEC Co.) to this experiment, it was mandatory to do some modifications for loading and measuring evaluations, thereby a whole sequence of this system could be successfully carried out. The experiments were conducted in the following manner : Ten pieces of full cast crowns were constructed by a conventional procedure with 12% Au-Ag-Pd alloy and cach test-piece was cemented alternately by zine phosphate cement on a master die (stainless steel) with a chamfer margin. Successive vertical loadings (0kg-30kg) were applied for cach test-piece and holograms were taken for crown restorations under loadings of both 15Kg & 30Kg with an accuracy of 0.3μm. Three-dimensional measurements of nine points on surface of a testpiese were obtained through interference fringes, which were converted into mathematical values and statistical comparisons were performed for mean values under loadings of both 15Kg & 30Kg. The following results were obtained from this experiment. 1. It was successfully performed that an application of Laser Holographic Interferometry (areal time) became an efficient method with some modifications for mechanical evaluations of crown restorations. 2. Besides modification for rigid fixation of a test-piece, it made possible to conduct the loading experiment under Kg unit, which was impossible in previous studies. 3.Three-dimensional measurements were also made possible by an application of mathematical calculations, thereby a total system of experimental procedures was established. 4. Reference points were marked on surface of a test-piece, and this made possible to compare with the displacement values of other test-pieces. 5. Displacements of experimental crowns with both 15Kg & 30Kg under areas of loadings showed remarkably and they were gradually spread out toward the outer directions of restorations with slight displacements. From this experimens, it was proved that a cemented crown showed a certain deformational behavior under loadings. Therefore, this system contributes to become an efficient method evaluating mechanical features of crown restorations for further studies.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :