


Title : 卒前教育における支台歯形成の客観的評価とその教育効果について - 特に片側軸面傾斜度を中心として -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 木本克彦, 青木英夫, 高野学, 山田重雄, 山村雅章, 西耕一, 川越善人, 藤田忠寛
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学歯科補綴学教室第三講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 26
Number : 4
Page : 420-425
Year/Month : 1992 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」クラウン・ブリッジ補綴における支台歯形成は, 重要な基本的操作であるが, 経験の浅い学生には, 口腔内という限定された環境であるため特に困難な術式である. また, 適切な支台歯形成を行うことは, 歯冠補綴物の予後の上からも大切な要件となるが, 支台歯形態のうち軸面形成を所定の角度, すなわち平行に近く形成することは困難な操作の1つである. これらの効果的対策として, 各種の補助器具が開発され, 形成時の付属器具, 或いは形成前のトレーニング器具として応用されてきた. 当教室においても, 川越はトレーニング用平行形成器を開発し, その有効性が認められた. しかし, これらの補助器具は多数の学生に応用するには不適であり, それに変わる実用的な学習方法の1つとして, 著者らは, 近年, 教育界で用いられているプログラム学習に着目し, 形成プログラムと自己採点表を独自に作製し, 本学学生(6年生)の支台歯形成に応用した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 片側軸面傾斜度, 支台歯形成, 卒前教育評価


Title : A Study of Objective Assessment for Abutment Tooth Preparation and it's Educational Effect in Undergraduate Training - In Primary Regard to Unilateral Convergence Angles -
Subtitle :
Authors : Katsuhiko KIMOTO, Hideo AOKI, Manabu TAKANO, Shigeo YAMADA, Masaaki YAMAMURA, Koichi NISHI, Yoshito KAWAGOE, Tadahiro FUJITA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 26
Number : 4
Page : 420-425
Year/Month : 1992 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract: It is undoubtedly important didactic technique in fixed prosthodotics for undergraduate students to master proper tooth preparation and one problematic area is technically concerned with amount of acceptable convergence angles from an aspect of educational effect. Therefore, in this preliminary study, a critical evaluation was performed for possible applications of programmed instruction and student's self-evaluation was presented and instructed to 70 subjects selected at random from 6 grade students, Kanagawa Dental College, who completed their clinical requirements. A tooth preparation was conducted for right maxillary molar of typodont tooth in manikin assuming for a full cast crown. A comparative study of first and second trials was performed to establish an objective assessment by these inclination values of unilateral convergence angles. The following results were shown in two major evidences. 1. Seven regions among eight ones measuring prepared tooth showed improved unilateral convergence angles in second trial compared with first one, which showed a statistical significance (p<=0.01). 2. Regarding comparisons of divided three groups, group B (10-20 degrees) showed the most remarkable improvements compared with group A (less than 10 degrees) and group C (more than 20 degrees). From these results, it is stated that applications of programmed instruction and student's self-evaluation are successfully anticipated for educational effects in undergraduate training.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :