


Title : 口腔扁平上皮癌の術前治療効果に関する研究 - Ag - NORsと組織学的治療効果との関係 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 池田敦, 志村介三
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔外科学教室第II講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 28
Number : 1
Page : 66-78
Year/Month : 1993 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」口腔癌における術前照射ないし術前化学療法は縮小手術を可能にし, 口腔の機能, 形態を保存し, 治癒に導くうえで重要である. しかし放射線, 化学療法に対する反応態度は症例により様々である. したがって, 無用な副作用を回避し, 的確に治療効果をあげるには, 治療の感受性, 効果を予知し, また客観的に評価できる指標が求められている. とくに放射線外部照射や多くの抗癌剤はcell cycle依存性であることから, 腫瘍の細胞動態は治療の感受性, 効果の評価に重要である. この点に関しては, これまで, 核酸量の細胞測光, あるいはBromdeoxy uridine(以下BrdUと略す)や, Ki-67, proliferating cell nuclear antigen(以下PCNAと略す)などの細胞増殖関連因子の免疫組織学的検索がなされているが, 設備や手技上の点から, 全ての症例に, 日常的に行えるわけではない.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 口腔扁平上皮癌, 術前放射線照射術前化学療法, 組織学的治療効果Ag-NORs


Title : Study on the Preoperative Treatment to Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma - The Relationship between Ag - NORs and Histlogical Therapeutic Effect -
Subtitle :
Authors : Atsushi IKEDA, Kaizo Shimura
Authors(kana) :
Organization : The Second Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgerly, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 28
Number : 1
Page : 66-78
Year/Month : 1993 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Abstract : In 24 cases of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, the relationship between changes of the Ag-NORs number of the tumor cells and the histological therapeutic effect of radiation and chemotherapy was studied. 1. The mean intranuclear Ag-NORs number in the peripheral part of the cancer nest was 8.19 while corresponding number in the central potion was only 3.93. This difference was statisticaly significant at p<0.05. Based on this finding, the cell proliferation in each case was judged from the intranuclear Ag-NORs numbers from the peripheral potion of the cancer nest. 2. The intranuclear Ag-NORs number for squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity prior to therapy averaged 9.16+-2.03 with a range of 4.71 to 12.45. No correlation was found between the mean intranuclear Ag-NORs number and the T category, degree of tissue differentiation or grade of atypia. 3. The relationship between Ag-NORs numbers and histlogical therapeutic effect in response to preoperative treatment was, evident in Ag-NORs numbers of 5.43+-0.72 for cases of Grade 0 and I, in 8.20 for cases of Grade IIa, 9.40+-1.87 for cases of Grade IIb and 10.67+-1.79 for cases of Grade III and IV. The histologic therapeutic effect tended to be greater as the intranuclear Ag-NORs numbers increased. No correlation was noted between histologic therapeutic effect and T category, degree of tissue differentiation or grade of atypia. 4. Following radiation and chemotherapy, the intranuclear Ag-NORs numbers of the remaining tumor cell generally tended to decrease. This tendency is more pronounced when thehistological effect is more pronounced. The prognosis was favorable in those case of Grade 0 and I which showed a difinite fall of the intranuclear Ag-NORs number whereas recurrence and death commonly occured in those exhibiting little change. These findings suggest that the Ag-NORs number in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity may help predict the respons of the tumor to radiation and chemotherapy. Changes in this number may also provide a useful index for the therapeutic effect.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :