- > 一般の方
- > バックナンバー:神奈川歯学
- > 33巻1号
- > アブストラクト
Title : | ラット顎関節周囲における微細血管構築について |
Subtitle : | 原著 |
Authors : | 大音篤之, 高橋和人 |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室 |
Journal : | 神奈川歯学 |
Volume : | 33 |
Number : | 1 |
Page : | 22-39 |
Year/Month : | 1998 / 3 |
Article : | 原著 |
Publisher : | 神奈川歯科大学学会 |
Abstract : | 「緒言」 顎関節は頭部に存在する唯一の可動性関節であり, 下顎骨の下顎頭と側頭骨の下顎窩を基本的な構成要素とする両側性の複雑関節として, 全身における他の可動性関節と比べ, 多くの形態的および機能的特徴を有することが知られている. 顎関節は関節円板によって上下の関節腔に分けられ, 一般に上関節腔は下顎窩の関節面と関節円板上面との間隙で滑走運動に関与し, 下関節腔は関節円板下面と下顎頭の関節面との間隙で蝶番運動に関与しているが, 顎関節は動物種の食性の違いによる咬合様式に対応した形態をしているといわれている. また, そこに分布する血管構築についてもなんらかの形態的な差異があると考えられる. このような背景から, 前後運動を主体とするラットの顎関節部に注目し, そこに分布する血管構築を明らかにすることが重要であると考えた. 顎関節部における形態学的研究はこれまでにも多方面から行われてきた. 特に, 顎関節円板の血管構築に関する報告としては, 後藤がイヌに墨汁を注入し, 顎関節の微細血管分布状態とその分布部位の生理的機能との相関性について考察し, Bernickはラットにゼラチンと墨汁の混合溶液を注入し, 顎関節における脈管と神経について報告した. |
Practice : | 歯科学 |
Keywords : | 顎関節, 血管鋳型, 静脈叢, 静脈弁, 関節枝 |
Title : | Vascular Architecture of Tissues Surrounding the Temporomandibular Joint in Rat |
Subtitle : | |
Authors : | Atsuyuki OHTO, Kazuto Takahashi |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College |
Journal : | Kanagawa Shigaku |
Volume : | 33 |
Number : | 1 |
Page : | 22-39 |
Year/Month : | 1998 / 3 |
Article : | Original article |
Publisher : | Kanagawa Odontological Society |
Abstract : | [Abstract] This study was conducted to clarify the dynamic changes in vascular architecture associated with movement of the jaw in 7 ~ 9 weeks rats. The animals were sacrificed to prepare resin corrosive casts of the surrounding tissue including TMJ. Specimens were examined in scanning electron microscope (JEOL 820) at 3 kv, bringing vascular network especially venous system surrounding TMJ into focus. The articular disc and its vascular architecture between the mandibular condyle and fossa in the prepared vascular casts were observed by light microscopy and the scanning electron microscopy. The articular disc was divided into intermediate zone, anterior band, and posterior band. At the posterior part of the disc, there was a retrodiscal pad covered by a broad layer of loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels and adipose tissue. A developed venous plexus was present in the connective tissue at the retrodiscal part of the disc. Several bi-lobular venous valves were observed in venous system surrounding the TMJ. Subsynovial vascular networks were observed just beneath the synovial membrane facing the upper and lower articular cavity. The intermediate zone of the disc appeared as an avascular region, without blood vessels distribution. The vascular network developed in the upper articular cavity ; the developed vascular network was more marked in the posterior region. Articular branches laterally to TMJ run between upper and lower vascular networks of subsynovial membranes and drained into pterygoid venous plexus. Numerous capillaries connecting to veins in the disc directly drained into the articular branches, which had highly specialized structure suitable for the masticatory pattern of the rat. In conclusion, above mentioned structure, in addition to retrodiscal venous plexus and venous valves may be considered to be involved in regulation of blood flow during jaw movement. |
Practice : | Dentistry |
Keywords : |