- > 一般の方
- > バックナンバー:神奈川歯学
- > 51巻1号
- > アブストラクト
Title : | 矯正歯科治療に伴う小臼歯・智歯の便宜抜歯の凍結 - 低温生物学 - |
Subtitle : | 総説 |
Authors : | 河田俊嗣 |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | 神奈川歯科大学大学院歯学研究科口腔機能修復学講座歯科矯正学 (主任) |
Journal : | 神奈川歯学 |
Volume : | 51 |
Number : | 1 |
Page : | 9-19 |
Year/Month : | 2016 / 6 |
Article : | 報告 |
Publisher : | 神奈川歯科大学学会 |
Abstract : | 「緒言」「細胞凍結に対する著者の考え方」水が氷る現象は, まだよくわかっていないことが多い. 同じ氷の中に封入された細胞であっても以下の3つのパターンに分類できる. ・完全に細胞内部まで凍結した細胞は, 解凍後に死細胞となる. ・部分的に細胞内部まで凍結した細胞は, 解凍後に一部ダメージを受けた細胞となる. 部分凍結細胞は, 回復に1-2週間程度を要する. ・細胞内が全く凍っていない細胞は, 解凍後に生細胞となる. 細胞の周囲だけ凍結する状態 グレーシングに似た作用 以上, 著者らは細胞凍結を3つのパターンに分け, 読者の方々には細胞凍結の概念を整理する. 「1. 細胞の変化に関わる要因について」細胞の変化の要因として, (1)微生物の繁殖, (2)細胞内や外の酵素による分解, (3)細胞自体の酸化などの化学変化, (4)乾燥などの物理作用(いわゆるグレーシングをしないと冷凍やけになる)(5)細胞自体の呼吸や蒸散など生理活性作用等が, 細胞へ与える悪影響と考えられる. |
Practice : | 歯科学 |
Keywords : | 矯正歯科治療, 便宜抜歯, 低温生物学 |
Title : | Freezing of premolar and wisdom teeth extracted for orthodontic treatment - cryobiology - |
Subtitle : | |
Authors : | Toshitsugu KAWATA |
Authors(kana) : | |
Organization : | (Chief : A prof) Division of Orthodontics of Oral Function and Restoration Graduate School of Dentistry Kanagawa Dental University |
Journal : | Kanagawa Shigaku |
Volume : | 51 |
Number : | 1 |
Page : | 9-19 |
Year/Month : | 2016 / 6 |
Article : | Report |
Publisher : | Kanagawa Odontological Society |
Abstract : | [Abstract] [Refrigeration and cryopreservation of cells] The deterioration and aging of cells progress when they are left at a normal temperature. Long-term maintenance of viable cells at a normal temperature for several years is difficult. Cells are comprised of water accounting for 70-80%, or 80-90% in some cases. When cells are cooled, water changes to ice, and the volume increases 1.1-fold. When large ice crystals are formed in cells in tissue, the cells are pressed, destroyed, and frozen in states of extra- and intracellular freezing. When these are thawed, tissue fluid flows out of cells and drips, and cells die. Therefore, when intracellular freezing is prevented and extracellular ice crystals are small, the mechanical damage of cells decreases. The freezing point of pure water is 0℃, but that of tissue fluid decreases with an increase in various solvents dissolved in it. Amino acids and minerals are dissolved in water in cells, and the freezing point of cells varies among cells to be frozen. The range of the freezing temperature of the first step is considered to be 0 to -5℃. The temperature zone of ice crystal formation is termed the 'zone of maximum ice crystal formation', and ice crystal formation maximizes as the time taken to pass through this zone prolongs. Rapid freezing passing this zone within a short time keeps ice crystals small, and this is now considered to facilitate a high survival rate, rather than slow freezing. |
Practice : | Dentistry |
Keywords : |