


Title : ヒトの二次口蓋の発生 口蓋板癒合の様式について
Subtitle :
Authors : 北村博則
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔組織学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 6
Number : 3/4
Page : 77-93
Year/Month : 1972 / 5
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「まえがき」 ヒトの口蓋板癒合の時期についてPeter(1913)はかなり秩序立った観察をしているが, それをさらに正確に観察した最初の学者はFulton(1957)であろう. 彼によれば受精齢47~49日(胎長29~33mm)が口蓋板の癒合が始まる時期(threshold period)である, 口蓋板癒合期についての彼の記載は正確であるが, その様式についての彼の記載は充分ではない. 一方, Wood and Kraus(1962)は片方の口蓋板が挙上されていて他方の口蓋板が垂直位をとっているヒト胚の2例(頭尾長29mm, 32mm)を観察してFultonが定義した口蓋板癒合のthreshold periodが29~33mm発生段にあることに疑問を抱いた. 彼等は片方だけの口蓋板が挙上されている標本をPeterと同様に口蓋板の変位移行期にあるものとみなしたのでFultonの仕事の結果が正しいことを理解できなかった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Development of the Secondary Palate in Humans : the Mode of Action of Palatal Fusion
Subtitle :
Authors : Hironori Kitamura
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Histology
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 6
Number : 3/4
Page : 77-93
Year/Month : 1972 / 5
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The study was undertaken on the horizontal or frontal serial sections frnm 120 human embryos ranged in age from 33 to 60 days. On 45 days (C.R. 26-27mm) the palatal shelves which assume horizontal position are still too short to contact each other. From 45 days to the early stage of 47 days the anterior portion of the shelves approximated each other. Some time on the 47 days (C.R. 28-30mm) they begin to fuse from anteriorly to posteriorly. Strictly the initially united part is located a little posteriorly apart from the junction of primary-secondary palate, then fusion takes place in both anterior and posterior directions. The anterior part of the palatal shelves fuse not only with each other but also with the inferior edge of the nasal septum. The union of the palatal processes with each other is not at the apex of the palatal processes when located vertically. In the anterior part of the secondary palate the mode of action for fusion between palatal shelves each other and that with the nasal septum is not consistent. However, in the middle of the hard palate the palatal shelves fuse each other first and then the nasal septum fuses with the palate. By the end of this stage fusion of the major portion of the hard palate ie accomplished. However, a portion of the hard palate and entire soft palate remain still open. By 53 to 55 bays entire palate including the soft palate is closed. Most part of the epithelial wall derived from the fused epithelia of the shelves is disintegrated to disappear, and persistent epithelial cords develop into cysts of epithelial pearls.
Practice : Dentistry
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