


Title : N2の生活歯髄におよぼす影響についての臨床病理学的研究
Subtitle :
Authors : 村松篤, 小林宏徳, 蛭間哲雄, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 7
Number : 2
Page : 100-111
Year/Month : 1972 / 7
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I 緒言」 N2は1953年SargentiおよびRichterにより創製され, まもなく矢尾, 高木により, わが国に紹介されたものである. N2療法は, 抜髄時における根尖分岐の問題に新しい解釈を与えているとともに, 術後の臨床症状が比較的軽度であるということなどから, わが国でも臨床家に愛用されている. しかしながらN2に関する研究は, 黒岩, Overdiek, Rappaport, Guttuso, Snyder, Nicholls, Langeland, Rowe, 吉田, 高橋, およびCouncil on Dental Therapeutics, Friend, などにより動物の皮下や歯牙における実験報告はあるが, ひとの歯牙における臨床的研究は, 水野のX線による研究, 臨床病理学的には, Iten, Overdiek, Rowe, Langeland, 浅野らの研究があるにすぎない. 著者らは, N2の生活歯髄に対する影響をさらに検索するために, 臨床的に健康な歯髄を有していると思われるひとの歯牙に, 生活歯髄切断を行ない, N2を貼布して, 2日から261日間にわたり, 臨床症状の観察後, 抜去し, 臨床病理組織学的に検索した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : A Clinico-Pathological Study on the Pulpotomy with N2
Subtitle :
Authors : Atsushi Muramatsu, Hironori Kobayashi, Tetsuo Hiruma, Tamotsu Osada
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Conservative Dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 7
Number : 2
Page : 100-111
Year/Month : 1972 / 7
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : A clinico-pathological study was performed to evaluate the effects of the pulpotomy with N2 upon the human pulp. Pulpotomies with N2 were conducted on thirty human permanent teeth with healthy pulps. Postoperatively, these teeth were observed clinically at the various intervals ranging from 2 days to 261 days, and then, they were extracted and prepared for the histological study. Results were obtained as follows. 1) There were marked differences on the histological findings between the developed apexes of teeth and the undeveloped ones. 2) On the whole, N2-methods showed clinically favorable results, but histo-pathological findings did unfavorable. 3) At the histo-pathological observations, the irritation of the N2 upon the exposed human pulp was severe and continued for long periods. 4) Formation of the dentin bridge was observed on only two cases of the undevloped apexes teeth of thirty cases. These results indicate that the influences of N2 upon exposed pulps were less tolerated than calcium hydroxide pastes. On the total necrosis of the pulp, it was not observed that the apexes of teeth were closed by the osteo-dentin on this study. 5) It seems that the pulpal necrosis was mostly depended on the irritant properties of formaldehyde. 6) From this study, successful effects of the pulpotomy with N2 would not be expected.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :