


Title : 口腔における飲食時のアルコール吸収
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 豊田清修
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学生物学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 8
Number : 3
Page : 126-131
Year/Month : 1973 / 11
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 酒類を口腔に含むとアルコールが吸収されることについては先に明らかにしたが, 実際の飲酒の場合にどの程度吸収されるかについて実験を行った. まず酒少量を30秒間口に含んで吐き出し, ついで液状にした食物を30秒間口に含んで吐き出し, これをくりかえして30分間行い, 吐き出した液に含まれるアルコールを比色法によって定量して吸収量および吸収率を算出した. でんぷん糊を用いた場合, ウィスキーでは吸収率12.2%で最も高く, ビールでは3.2%で低い. また, ウィスキー一定量と, いろいろの食品を交互に口に含んで実験した場合, 脂肪類では吸収率は低く, たんぱく質類はこれにつぐようであり, 果物では種類によりかなりの差違が見られた. チョコレート, ココア, コーヒー, 茶を用いると吸収率はかなり低下する. これらの吸収率は胃腸における吸収速度を推測する重要なる資料になるものと考えられる. このように酒類と食物, 飲料を交互にとると, アルコールの吸収率が低下するが, 酒の種類, 食物, 飲料の種類によってもかなり異なり, 口腔における吸収率はおよそ2~12%と推定される. これより咽頭, 食道をへて胃に達するが, 咽頭, 食道における吸収率は恐らく1~3%, 計3~15%が胃に達するまでに吸収されるものと推測される. 従来経口的に摂取されるアルコールの吸収は胃において20%, 小腸において80%といわれているが, 口腔における吸収を考慮する必要があるだろう.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Alcohol Absorption in Oral Cavity When Drinking and Eating
Subtitle :
Authors : Kiyonobu Toyoda
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Biology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 8
Number : 3
Page : 126-131
Year/Month : 1973 / 11
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Absorption of alcohol when holding alcoholic drink in oral cavity was previously demonstrated. In this study, degree of actual absorption during eating and drinking was demonstrated. A small amount of whisky was at first held in the oral cavity for 30 seconds and spat out, followed by holding and spitting of liquid food in the mouth for 30 seconds. This was repeated for 30 minutes and the expectorated material was distilled and the alcohol content determined by colorimetry, thus the amount and the rate of absorption was calculated. When starch paste was used, 12.2% of alcohol in whisky was absorbed, giving highest rate, and 3.2% of beer was absorbed, giving lowest rate. When a certain amount of whisky and various foods were held in mouth alternately, the rate of absorption was smaller when fat was ingested, followed by protein. Fruits gave variable results according to the kinds. The rate of absorption was considerably diminished when chocolate, cocoa, coffee and tea were used. Such rate of absorption probably gives important data for the assessment of the rate of absorption in gastrointestinal tract. When alcoholic drinks and foods were ingested, the rate of alcohol absorption decreased. However, such decrease varies considerably depending upon the kind of alcoholic drink, food and beverage. The absorption in the oral cavity is estimated at 2-12%. The drink and food then pass through the pharynx and esophagus to reach the stomach. The rate of absorption in the pharynx and esophagus is probably as low as 1-3%. In total, 3-15% is probably absorbed before reaching the stomach. Though 20% of the alcohol ingested has been said to be absorbed in the stomach and 80% in the small intestine, the absorption in oral cavity also be taken into consideration.
Practice : Dentistry
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