


Title : Attrition, PeriodontosisおよびTransparencyによる年齢鑑定に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 山本勝一1), 大谷進1), 更家佐1), 小林貴彦1), 窪田洋一2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)神奈川歯科大学法医学教室, 2)神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 8
Number : 4
Page : 199-211
Year/Month : 1974 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 歯牙は, 骨・爪・毛髪等とともに硬組織に属し, 物理的・化学的影響に対し安定で, 死後, 最も永く原型をとどめ, 白骨死体ならびに腐乱死体などの法医学の検査・鑑定の上での個人識別, とりわけ年齢鑑定に有効である. 人間の歯牙は, 人体各器官の中において, 著しく特殊な形態と機能とを有し, 外界よりの刺激に対して他の器官には見られぬ反応を示す. すなわち, 人においては, 乳歯と永久歯の2種の歯牙群をもつ二生歯性であって, おおむね6~14才にかけて萌出する永久歯は, その後, 咀嚼に参加し, 歯根象牙質石灰化の増加ならびに咬合面や隣接面等の咬耗・磨耗や, 歯周組織における萎縮・退縮等の現象が起こるが, 再生・増殖は, 全く行われず経年的不可逆性形態変化をすること, こうして生じた変化は, また一方, 歯牙が個体を離れて放置されても永年にわたり, その変化をとどめるが, これも他の器官・組織には見られぬ特徴である.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : The Study of Age Determination through Attrition, Periodontosis and Transparency of the Root
Subtitle :
Authors : Katsuichi Yamamoto1), Susumu Ohtani1), Tasuku Saraya1), Takahiko Kobayashi1), Yoichi Kubota2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)Department of Forensic Medicine, Kanagawa Dental College, 2)Department of Prothetic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 8
Number : 4
Page : 199-211
Year/Month : 1974 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Summary] Concerning the progress of changes in the tooth and its supporting tissues with age G.Gustafson, in his investigations in the ground sections of human (Swedish) teeth, observed six kinds of biological changes in the dental tissues with age, made statistics expressing the degrees of these changes by numerical values, and set forth the existence of clear correlations between age and biological changes in the tooth (1950). Reducing the above-mentioned six factors to three, Attrition, Periodontosis and Transparency which are comparatively clear in the degrees of appearance, and using a new standards of measurement in which the degrees of changes in the dental and periodontal tissues with age are expressed by seven numerical gradations of 0.5 between 0 and 3, the present authors investigated the relation between the chronological age and biological changes in the 330 caries free extracted incisors because of periodontal diseases from the japanese of 20-89 years of age and of known sexes. For Attrition and Transparency, ground sections of 200μ in thickness were observed with a stereoscopic microscope, and for Periodontosis, observation and measurement were made by the attaching condition of the periodontal membrane to the teeth in their natural conditions after extraction. The result of statistical study on the correlation between the sum of the three factors and the age of the subject was as follows: there was a correlation in each kind of teeth between age and the sum of the values representing the degrees of attrition, periodontosis and transparency, and the highest correlation was seen in the upper central incisor (γ=0.640). Furthermore, significance of the coefficients of correlation was examined, resulting in the conclusion that in each case there was a significant difference with the ratio of risk of less than 5%.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :