


Title : 歯髄および根管処置の予後について (神奈川歯科大学附属病院保存科外来患者の調査結果)
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 早瀬一夫, 管原洋一, 石渡庸介, 柳田猛昌, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 8
Number : 4
Page : 219-227
Year/Month : 1974 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 簡略化された方法による歯髄および根管処置の予後を知らんとして, 神奈川歯科大学付属病院保存科外来を訪れた患者のうち, 過去において治療が施されたと思われる683歯880根について, 臨床的不快症状および根尖部X線透過像の有無を観察し検討したところ, 次の如き結果が得られた. 1)断髄および根管処置いずれの場合にも, 臨床的不快症状としては咬合痛, 打診痛が最も多く認められた. 2)根尖部X線透過像は断髄例149根のうち65.1%, 根管処置例731根のうち62.2%にみられた. 3)根管処置例においては, 根管充填不良症例が90.8%の多くにみられ, 根管充填が著しく不良なものは, 根管充填良好例に比べて, 根尖部X線透過像の出現が多くみられた. 4)根尖部X線透過像の出現率は上下顎別, 歯種別, 根管の広狭別には特に著しい差はみられず, 歯髄および根管処置の成功を収めるには, あくまでも治療の原則を守った, 適正な処置を施すことが重要と考えられる.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Prognosis of Pulpotomy and Root Canal Treatment
Subtitle :
Authors : Kazuo Hayase, Yoichi Sugawara, Yosuke Ishiwata, Takemasa Yanagida, Tamotsu Osada
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of conservative dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 8
Number : 4
Page : 219-227
Year/Month : 1974 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : A study on prognosis of pulpotomy and root canal therapy (which had been treated in past) was tried and attained following results. 1. In examination of clinical symptoms, percussion pain showed more greater incidence than other clinical symptoms. 2. In roentgenographic examination, periapical radiolucent area were seen in 65.1% out of 149 pulp amputated roots and were seen in 62.2% out of 731 treated root canals. 3. In the cases having root canal treatment, inadequate root canal filling were found in high percentage (90.8%), and root canal treatment with remarkably inadequate canal filling showed more greater incidence of periapical rarefaction in roentgenogram than in cases of trearment with adequate canal filling. 4. There were no significant differences between upper and lower teeth, between front teeth, premolar and molar teeth, between the width of root canal in periapical radiolucent area. It was considered that most important thing to obtain the success in pulpotomy and root canal therapy, is to follow the principles of endodontic treatment.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :