


Title : 3才児における間食摂取の実態とう蝕罹患状況
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 佐藤博1), 内村登1), 河野知弘1), 保垣正彦1), 金塚玲子1), 豊田栄子1), 檜垣旺夫1), 田中緑2), 大木浩2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室, 2)横須賀市中央保健所
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 8
Number : 4
Page : 255-267
Year/Month : 1974 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 最近小児にう蝕が激増し, 特に2才ないし3才の低年令層に多発する傾向がみられている. この原因の1つとして, 小児の間食摂取が挙げられている. 著者らは小児の間食とう蝕との関係を明らかにし, う蝕予防に役立てることを目的として, 神奈川県下の主として横須賀市内に住む3才児1,236例を調査対象に, 間食摂取の実態とう蝕罹患状況を調査した. その結果, 菓子類では果実類, センベイ類の摂取率が高く, 飲料類では乳酸菌飲料が牛乳より高い摂取率を示した. 飲料類の摂取開始時期は大体離乳開始時期に一致し, 平均7.3ヵ月, 菓子類の摂取開始時期は平均7.6ヵ月であった. 調査した3才児のう蝕罹患者率は89.4%, 1人平均う蝕歯数は5.8歯, 落合らの分類によるう蝕罹患型ではIII型(厚生省分類B型)のものが50.5%を占めた. 菓子類, 飲料類とも時間に関係なく自由に摂取しているものが, 時間制で摂取しているものよりう蝕罹患率が高かった. 菓子類, 飲料類とも1日の摂取頻度が多いほどう蝕罹患率が高く, また広範性う蝕のIII型及びIV型(B型とC型)に罹患する傾向がみられた. 乳酸菌飲料常飲者は, 非常飲者よりもう蝕罹患型でIII型のものが多く, また就寝時に間食を摂取しているものは, 非摂取者よりもう蝕罹患率が高かった. そして今後はもっと低年令の小児を調査対象として同様な調査を進める必要があり, 間食摂取法に限らず利用しうるあらゆる手段を総動員して予防対策を講じ, 実際に歯科的健康管理を行っていく必要があることが示唆された.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Between-meal-eating Habits and Dental Caries Experience in 3-years Old Children
Subtitle :
Authors : Hiroshi Sato1), Noboru Uchimura1), Tomohiro Kohno1), Masahiko Hogaki1), Reiko Kanazuka1), Eiko Toyoda1), Morio Higaki1), Midori Tanaka2), Hiroshi Kimoto2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College, 2)Yokosuka-shi Chuo Health Center
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 8
Number : 4
Page : 255-267
Year/Month : 1974 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Several statistical reports showed that the caries prevalence rate of Japanese 3-years old children was rapidly increased during a past decade. It is worth to investigate a certain factor causing this serious circumstances in terms of caries prevention for young children. The purpose of this report is to clarify the relation between between-meal-eating habits and caries experience, and to serve the prevention of dental caries. The materials used were 1,236 children of 3-years old, most of whom lived in Yokosuka city, Kanagawa-ken. The between-meal items consumed were divided into two items, eatings and drinkings. Dental caries experience was expressed quantitatively by using def. The between-meal-eating habits and dental caries experience were surveyed and the mutual relation between them was investigated. The results were followings. 1) Of the eatings consumed between meals' the fruits and the senbeis (rice crackers) were the most popular, and of the drinkings the drinks containing lactic acid were the most popular. 2) The average intiation age of between-meal-eating habits was calculated 7.3 months old for drinkings and 7.6 months old for eatings. 3) Caries experience rate in the children was 89.4% and mean def per a child was 5.8 teeth. 4) The frequency of III type in caries attack patterns by Ochiai et al. was 50.5% and a large number of children sufferd from extensive caries. 5) Many children who had consumed eatings and drinklngs between meals without any restriction showed more extensive caries patterns than the one consumed them regularlly. 6) The more was the frequency of the eatings or the drinkings consumed between meals a day, the higher was the caries experience rate in the children. 7) Caries experience rate in children who had consumed the drinks containing lactic acid customarily, was higher than that of children who had not customarily. 8) Caries experience rate in the children who had eaten or drunk before going to bed was higher than that in the children who had not done before sleeping.
Practice : Dentistry
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