


Title : Masserann kitを応用した根管内破折器具片の除去について
Subtitle : 臨床
Authors : 佐野哲, 三宅公雄, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 9
Number : 1
Page : 50-57
Year/Month : 1974 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 根管の拡大・清掃は根管治療を成功させる重要な事項の1つである. しかし, 根の形態は屈曲や彎曲を来したり, 根管内の狭窄を示すものが多い. このため, 根管処置時において, 不適当な器械器具の使用や, 粗暴な操作により, 根管治療用小器具の破折事故が起り易い. これら, 根管内破折片は, その除去が極めて困難な場合が屡々生じ, 従来から幾多の器械的除去方法, 化学的除去方法, 外科的除去方法が先人により報告されて来た. 根管内破折片除去法のうち化学的に破折片を腐蝕し除去する方法は, 時間・回数がかかり, また軟組織を傷害する恐れがある. 一方, 外科的方法は, 手術的侵襲が大きいという欠点がある. したがって破折片除去法としては古くから, 器械的除去法がまず第1に試みられてきた. しかし本法は鉗子により破折片が把持出来るとき以外は, 除去操作が極めて困難であり, このためいろいろの術式や器具が考案されている. われわれは, 最近発表されたMasserann kitを応用して20症例の根管内金属破折片の除去法を試みたので, その成績について報告する.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : A clinical study on the removal of the broken instrument in the root canal using Masserann kit
Subtitle :
Authors : Satoshi Sano, Kimio Miyake, Tamotsu Osada
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Depart. of Conservative Dentistry Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 9
Number : 1
Page : 50-57
Year/Month : 1974 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : A proper mechanical instrumentation of root canals is one of important factors in successful clinical endodontic treatments. Since many root canals have curved or narrow shapes, accidental breakages of these root canal instruments are often seen during routine clinical endodontics. Removal of these broken instruments in root canals is, however, difficult and time consuming procedure. Many authors reported on these, such as mechanical, chemical and surgical techniques of removal of instruments. A chemical way of removal needs many visits of the patient and this irritates soft tissues during the procedure, whereas a surgical way has also a disadvantage, since damages are occurred on the operation field. Consequently, as removal technique of these broken instruments in root canals, many authors have recommended a mechanical way as a practical application. Again, this technic has a limiting usuage, for this can be used only when forceps could be successfully applied. Therefore, some other practical devices were developed by the several persons, and the Masserann kit is one of them. We have tried this for twenty clinical cases needing removal of instruments in root canals, and clinical studies were also made to evaluate the kit. Some of results are reported in this paper.
Practice : Dentistry
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