


Title : 咀嚼食物におけるアルコール産生
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 豊田清修1), 関園子2), 羽田ひろ2), 土屋博2), 根木重男2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)神奈川歯科大学生物学教室, 2)神奈川歯科大学口腔生理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 9
Number : 3
Page : 109-113
Year/Month : 1974 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」 古代における酒造りは米飯を口で噛んで吐き出し, それを容器に貯えておいたといわれている. 米飯などのでんぷん質は咀嚼すると唾液中のプチアリンによって糖化され, 一部はマルターゼによってぶどう糖にまで分解されるといわれているが, さらに長時間おくとアルコールを生ずることがいろいろの実験によって確かめられた. ヒトの血液中のアルコールを測定すると, 飲酒しないときにも, しばしば微量のアルコールが検出されることがある. その原因については充分明らかにされてないが, 摂取食物の中に既にアルコールを含有する場合のほか, 消化管内における発酵によって産生するようであることもその原因の一つと考えられる. 「材料と方法」 材料としては主として米飯を用いた. そのほか, 胃液に含まれる塩酸, 中和するための重炭酸ソーダ, 腸内に存在する乳酸桿菌に類似するものとして市販のビオフェルミンを用いた.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Alcohol Formatian in Masticated Food
Subtitle :
Authors : Kiyonobu Toyoda1), Sonoko Seki2), Hiro Haneda2), Hiroshi Tsutiya2), Shigeo Negi2)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)Department of Biology, Kanagawa Dental College, 2)Department of Oral Physiology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 9
Number : 3
Page : 109-113
Year/Month : 1974 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Boiled rice 50g was well chewed and put into bottles, then incubated at 37-38°. After 48 hrs, 55mg of alcohol was detected: but when biofermine was added, the amount of alcohol decreased considerably. Hydrogen chloride was added to a level of pH 2, followed after 3 hrs by Sodium bicarbonate to pH 7-8, then biofermine was added. As a result, alcohol formation decreased more. Common daily foods e.g. lunch, sushi, soba were treated with HCl, NaHCO3 and biofermine, and showed considerable differences. Large amounts of alcohol were due to relishes e.g. vinegar, mirin, shoyu. Excepting these, the amounts of alcohol were small compared with only boiled rice of same amount. It seems that alcoholic fermentation was inhibited by blended flesh and vegetable. When 300g of boiled rice arc ingested, alcohol formation is estimated 0.15g; while the alcohol amount in relishes is not constant (0.1-1.2g); and that in bread and fruits approximates 1.0g. The total alcoholic content in one food is estimated to be 0.3-2.0g. This amount of alcohol reaches a maximum of 0.05mg/ml in normal human blood. While, metabolism is carried out constantly, its amount is 0.15mg/ml/hr in mormal human blood; therefore ingested alcohol is metabolized for 1/3 hr. A small amount of alcohol is sometimes detected in control samples of human blood; it is called "Normal Body Alcohol", and its amount is estimated 0-0.24mg/dl. The reason for this endogenous alcohol has not been clarified satisfactorily. The writers are of opinion that its cause is due to alcohhlic contents in foods, relishes, and by fermentation of starchy substances in the digestive organs.
Practice : Dentistry
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