


Title : 根管処置歯の透明標本による観察について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 笠井芳二郎, 井手口裕, 海老原仁, 湯口博之, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 9
Number : 4
Page : 154-167
Year/Month : 1975 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」保存不能の理由で抜去された138歯228根管について透明標本を作製し, 根管処置歯における根尖分岐や管外側枝の変動ならびにX線写真による根尖病巣と主根管の閉鎖との関連性を観察した. なお, これらの歯牙の対照には, う蝕歯を用いた. また, 学生が模型実習で根充を施した歯牙と, う蝕歯との比較検討も行った. これらの実験の結果を要約すると次の如きである. 1) C2~C3におよぶ, う蝕歯における根尖分岐や側枝の発現率は, 在来の抜去歯牙透明標本における根尖分岐や側枝の発現頻度範囲内であった. 2) 抜去歯牙による学生の根充歯牙を透明標本により観察したところ, 根管拡大操作による根尖分岐の消滅は, 分岐間の距離が小さい前歯群ではみられたが, 小臼歯, 大臼歯群では殆んどみられなかった. 3) 根管処置歯における臨床例の透明標本観察では, 根尖分岐の閉鎖については根充材料による差は明らかでなかったが, 側枝に関しては糊剤根充例がポイント根充例よりも, 閉鎖例が多く出現した. 4) 根管処置歯の臨床例について側枝の閉鎖状態を検索したところ, 前歯群, 大臼歯群では対照の根管非処置歯にくらべて, 顕著に側枝の減少をみた. 5) 根充状態と主根管の閉鎖の関係は, 根充材の到達度の良好な群に, 根尖孔の閉鎖が多くみられた. 6) 根尖部X線透過像と根尖孔閉鎖状態との関連は, 根尖部透過像のみられる症例の方がX線透過像のない症例よりも, 根尖孔閉鎖例が少く, 根管由来の刺激源が根尖病巣発現に関与することを立証している.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Observation of transparent specimens of endodontically treated teeth
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshijiro Kasai, Yutaka Ideguchi, Hitoshi Ebihara, Hiroyuki Yuguchi, Tamotsu Osada
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of conservative dentistry Kanagwa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 9
Number : 4
Page : 154-167
Year/Month : 1975 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Transparent specimens were made from 228 root canals of 138 extracted human teeth and were observed on variations in apical bifurcations and lateral branches of those teeth. Comparative studies were also made on relationship between variations of obturation of main canal and apical lesions by X-ray films. Beside carious teeth were used for control teeth and studies were made on comparison with endodontically treated teeth done at preclinical training. Following results were obtained. 1) Frequencies of those teeth with bifurcations and lateral branches of carious 2nd & 3rd degrees were found similar ranges reported in other authers, who did by transparent specimens of extracted teeth. 2) In transparent specimens of extracted teeth with root canal filling done at preclinical training, disappearance of apical bifurcations were found in anterior teeth as are short distance between bifurcations and main canal. Whereas those were hardly recognized premolar teeth and molar teeth. 3) In transparent specimens of clinical cases with endodontically treated teeth, obliteration of apical bifurcation were not found remarkably due to differences of root canaal filling materials. However, obliteration of lateral branches were found in more paste filling materials than point filling materials. 4) Obliteration of lateral branches were definitely found in more treated teeth than untreated control anterior and molar teeth. 5) Concerning relationship between degrees of root canal fillings and obturation of main root canal, obliteration of apical foramen were more found in a group of successfully root canal fillings (reached to root apex) than those of unsuccessful cases. 6) In regards to relationship between radiolucency in apical areas of teeth and degrees of obliterated apical foramen, obliterations of root apex were found more in a group of nonradiolucency than those of radiolucency. This proved that incidence of apical lesion seems to be related to stimulation from root canals.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :