


Title : エレクトレットによる修復象牙質の形成について (I)
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 笠井芳二郎*1, 長田保*1, 五藤陽三*2, 斉藤滋*2
Authors(kana) :
Organization : *1神奈川歯科大学保存学教室, *2神奈川歯科大学口腔生化学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 10
Number : 2
Page : 71-84
Year/Month : 1975 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」電気エネルギーの生体印加に関する研究は近時, 骨増殖という現象で盛んに報告されている. そこで在来の間接覆髄剤を使用する代りに, 半永久的に電気分極した絶縁体であるエレクトレットを窩底に置いた場合, 修復象牙質がはたして形成されるかという事に主眼をおき, 歯髄に対する比較的長時間の電気エネルギー印加の影響について検討した. 実験には, tetracyclineラベリング法を施した犬の歯牙を用い, 病理組織学的方法, microradiography, 螢光顕微鏡などにより, 比較観察した結果, つぎのような知見を得た. 1. 本実験に用いた程度の電荷 (19.9~30.4e.s.u./m2) では, エレクトレットによる歯髄炎症反応等の特別な所見は殆ど認められなかった. 2. エレクトレットの (+) 極性側を歯髄側に置いた場合, 窩洞直下に, 対照例と比べて同量か, やや多めに修復象牙質が形成された. このことは, (+) 極性のエレクトレットの窩底象牙芽細胞に対する修復象牙質形成促進作用は顕著なものではないと考えられる. 3. しかし, エレクトレットの (-) 極性側を歯髄側に置いた場合, 窩洞直下に修復象牙質は全く形成されないか, 形成されても極く少量にすぎず, 修復象牙質形成が抑制されているように観察されたが, 窩洞直下以外の髄腔壁の一部に修復象牙質が多量に形成されるという現象を確認した. このことは, (-) 極性では, 窩洞直下以外の象牙芽細胞に電気的エネルギーが印加された場合, 修復象牙質の形成を促進するが, 窩洞形成により障害された象牙芽細胞に対しては逆に, 象牙質形成を抑制するように働いていると考えられる所見を得た.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Study of Reparative Dentine Formation induced by Electret (I)
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshijiro Kasai*1, Tamotsu Osada*1, Yozo Gotoh*2, Shigeru Saito*2
Authors(kana) :
Organization : *1Department of conservative dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College, *2Department of oral biochemistry, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 10
Number : 2
Page : 71-84
Year/Month : 1975 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Many studies concerning the effect of local electrical charges applied on an animal tissue cells have been reported recently with particular reference to the growth of calcified tissues. This study was performed to ascertain whether the dog dental pulp might have a potentials to form the reparative dentine with a stimulation of electric energy provided by electret or not. The electret is a semipermanently electrically polarized insulator, which is placed on the base of the cavity instead of the routine works of indirect pulp capping, in order to investigate the influence of relatively long term application of local electrical charge upon the dental pulp. The experiments were carried out using vital staining techniques, i.e. tetracycline-labeled dog teeth were examined by the histopathologic procedure, microradiography, fluorescent microscopy, etc. The findings noted were as follows. 1. No significant changes inducing inflammatory reaction of the pulp caused by eleetret were observed for any teeth with the electrical charge employed in the study, i.e. 19.9 to 30.4 e.s.u./cm2. 2. With an electret placed in such position that its positively polarized side faced to the pulp side, there were observed a little reparative dentine formation beneath the cavity, the degree of dentinogenesis were comparable to or slightly greater than the control level. This finding seems to suggest the dentinogenetic activity of the odontoblasts beneath of the cavity floor might be enhanced more or less by a positively polarized electret. 3. When an electret were applied in such position that its negatively polarized end faced to the pulp side, there were observed a slightly reduction of reparative dentine formation beneath the cavity, thereby it was worth to note that inhibition effects for reparative dentinogenesis. The response, however, was characteristically accompanied by an abundant reparative dentine formation around the pulp chamber wall other than the cavity bottom. It would follow from these findings that the negative electrical charge gives some impetus to the dentinogenetic activity to the odontoblasts locating in the pulp chamber except the cavity bottom but at the same time acts as contrary to dentinogenesis for the odontoblasts injured by cavity preparation.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :