


Title : 1才児の食餌の実態とう蝕罹患状況 第1報 : 1才児のう蝕罹患状況と歯牙年令による評価
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 内村登, 鈴木康久, 楯野英実, 藤波貴美子, 佐藤博, 檜垣旺夫
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 10
Number : 2
Page : 95-108
Year/Month : 1975 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」小児のう蝕の激増は近年大きな社会的問題となっており, とくに2才ないし3才の低年齢層に多発する傾向がみられている. 著者らは, 横須賀市在住の3才児について, 間食摂取の実態とう蝕罹患との関係を調査し, 3才児ではう蝕のまったくない小児が全体の約10%に過ぎず, しかもう蝕罹患者の多数歯がう蝕に罹患していた. このことはう蝕予防を考えた場合, 3才児ではすでに遅く, もっと早い時期に集中的予防対策が講じられる必要性を示唆した. 今回は, 離乳を開始して間もない1才児を対象に, その食餌とう蝕罹患との関係について調査し, 第1報として1才児のう蝕罹患状況について, 萌出歯数に応じて分類した歯牙年齢を用い, 乳歯う蝕を臨床的に評価することを試みた. 対象は神奈川県横須賀市在住の1才児580例であり, その結果, 調査した1才児のう蝕罹患者率は12.9%, 1人平均う蝕歯数は0.31歯, 萌出歯数別う蝕罹患歯率は3.12%であった. う蝕罹患率は歯牙年齢とともに増加し, 歯種別では上顎乳中切歯で最も高く, 歯面別では上顎乳中切歯唇面で最も高かった. 下顎乳切歯のう蝕罹患率は決して低い値ではなかったが, 歯牙年齢VI型以降での発現率は低かった. また, 乳切歯全般にわたり, 遠心面のう蝕罹患率は低い傾向を示した. う蝕罹患型でみると, 上顎乳切歯のみに発生したう蝕罹患型が最も多く, 次いで上顎乳切歯と第1乳臼歯にわたって発現した罹患型が多かった. このように, 1才児のう蝕罹患状況も乳歯が萌出直後であるにもかかわらず, 多数歯が罹患される傾向がはっきりしており, 1才児検診が広く行政化され, 母親に対する適切な指導と同時に, 利用しうるあらゆる手段を講じて予防効果を挙げることが必要である.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Eating Habits and Dental Caries Prevalence in One-Year Old Children Part 1. Dental Caries Prevalence estimated with Dental Age
Subtitle :
Authors : Noboru Uchimura, Yasuhisa Suzuki, Hidemi Tateno, Kimiko Fujinami, Hiroshi Sato, Morio Higaki
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pedodntics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 10
Number : 2
Page : 95-108
Year/Month : 1975 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Recently, it has been the large social problems in Japan that the increasing prevalence rate of dental caries was ween remarkable in young children, especially two and three years old children. About two years ago, the relation between the between-meal eating habit and the dental caries experience in three years old children in Yokosuka, Kanagwa, Japan was investigated in our laboratory. At that time, it was found that the children with no caries experience were only about 10%, and the ones with caries experience had most suffered from extensive caries. From these findings, it has been suggested that the measures of the caries prevention should be taken during the earlier period. Then, for the purpose of clarifiing the relation between the dental caries and the diets consumed ordinarily, investigations with 580 one-year old children in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan were carried out, and first of all, assessment of the caries prevalence rate with dental age was done. The dental age was classified in 7 types according to the number of erupted teeth and eruptive pattern. The caries attack patterns in deciduous dentition was devised in our laboratory differed somewhat from Ochiai's, and the differnce of susceptibility of dental caries in each class of teeth was studied. The results were as following : 1) The caries prevalence rate in one-year old children was 12.9%, mean decayed teeth per child was 0.31, and mean decayed teeth rate per erupted teeth was 3.12%. 2) The caries prevalence rate was increased with the increasing dental age. 3) The upper deciduous central incisors were most suffered from dental caries. The caries prevalence rate of the lower deciduous incisors was never low except in type of dental age IV or V over. 4) The caries prevalence rate in the distal approximal surface of the upper and lower deciduous incisors were relatively low in general. 5) The pattern with the caries only in upper deciduous incisors showed the most frequency of all caries attack patterns, and the succeeding frequency was shown in the pattern with caries both in upper deciduous incisors and deciduous 1st molars. 6) It was suggested that the teeth of the one-year old children suffered from dental caries soon after the eruption of teeth, and therefore, it would be necessary to legislate the dental inspection of one-year old children and to apply every possible means for caries prevention involving diet consultation and application of fluorides.
Practice : Dentistry
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