


Title : Angiomyomaの臨床病理
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 片瀬秀土, 渡辺是久, 小園知
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学病理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 10
Number : 2
Page : 109-114
Year/Month : 1975 / 9
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」Angiomyomaの22症例について, 臨床病理学的検索を行った. 発生年齢は, 31才~77才で, 性別頻度は一般には女性に多発するとされているが, 我々の症例では差異を認めなかった. 好発部位は, 下肢に最も多く, 身体の上半部には極めて少なく, 口腔粘膜に発生したものは一例である. 組織学的には, 筋線維の増殖と共に, 血管の増殖が強く, 毛細管型, 静脈型, 海綿型に分類される. 口腔領域に発生する本腫瘍は, 四肢の皮下に発生するものと異なり, 好発年齢はより低く, 女性より男性に多く発生し, 組織学的には, 静脈型を示す場合が多い. この腫瘍の発生母地については, 血管, 特に小静脈由来が考えられる. その本態は, 過誤腫というよりも真の腫瘍で, 一般には静脈のうっ血, 性ホルモンの影響, 及び外傷性因子が原因として重視される. しかし, 口腔領域の腫瘍については, その発生機序を同一視するには尚, 問題が少なくない.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Clinical Pathology of Angiomyoma
Subtitle :
Authors : Hideshi Katase, Yoshihisa Watanabe, Satoru Ozono
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Dept. of Pathology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 10
Number : 2
Page : 109-114
Year/Month : 1975 / 9
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The clinical pathological examinations were carried out on 22 cases of angiomyoma with the age between 31 years and 77 years. Although it is generally accepted that the incidence is higher in females than males, no distinction was observed in our cases. Most of the tumors appeared in the lower limbs, and few in the upper half : only one case showed a tumor in the mucosa of the oral cavity. Histologically, it showed marked proliferation of the blood vessels as well as muscular fibers. The tumors are classified into the capillary, vein, or sponge type. Compared to subcutaneous tumors in the limbs, the incidence of tumors in the oral area is higher in younger patients, and in males than females. Histologically the vein type is most often. It is considered that the tumor stems from blood vessels, especially small veins and that it is a true tumor rather than a pseudo-tumor. The tumor is generally considered to be due to venous congestion, the effects of sex hormones and traumatic factors. However, many problems still remain on the tumor in the oral area to identify its mechanism of occurrence.
Practice : Dentistry
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