


Title : 1才児の食餌の実態とう蝕罹患状況 第3報 栄養学的調査とう蝕罹患との関係
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 内村登, 楯野英實, 藤波貴美子, 鈴木康久, 佐藤博, 檜垣旺夫
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 10
Number : 4
Page : 210-222
Year/Month : 1976 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」低年齢児のう蝕の増加傾向を阻止することは小児歯科臨床上の緊急課題であり, このため小児の食習慣を調査することはう蝕予防上の基本であると考える. 著者らは先に1才児580例を対象として, う蝕罹患状況および食餌, とくに間食とう蝕罹患との関係について調査し, 間食の種類, 摂取方法, 摂取頻度がう蝕と密接に関係していることを明らかにした. そこで先の報告と同一の資料から, う蝕罹患者75例および非罹患者505例中75例を無作為に抽出し, 調査日前日の1日の食餌を分析することにより, 栄養という観点からう蝕との関係を調査した. その結果, 食餌総量では非罹患群におけるビタミンA, 罹患群におけるビタミンCを除く各栄養素が1日標準所要量を上廻っていた. 摂取重量は罹患群の方が僅かに多く, カロリー値は非罹患群の方が高い傾向を示した. また, 非罹患群では蛋白質摂取量が多く, 脂質は罹患群で多く摂取され, CaおよびビタミンB2は非罹患群で多く摂取されていた. 飲料類については非罹患群が牛乳, 粉乳中心に摂取し, 蛋白質およびCa摂取量が多かったのに対し, 罹患群は乳飲料類, 炭酸飲料類の摂取が多かった. 菓子類ではNaCl, ビタミンB1を除く各栄養素の摂取量が罹患群において多く, とくにビタミンA摂取量が多かった. また, 罹患群より非罹患群の方がバランスのとれた食餌内容であった. これらのことから, 食習慣の出発点にある1才児に対し, 今後は保健に関係する他分野と協調して, う蝕予防のために食餌指導を行う必要があろう.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Eating Habits and Dental Caries Prevalence in One-Year Old Children Part. 3 ; Investigation on the relationships between nutritional intake pattern and the dental caries prevalence
Subtitle :
Authors : Noboru Uchimura, Hidemi Tateno, Kimiko Fujinami, Yasuhisa Suzuki, Hiroshi Sato, M.Higaki
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 10
Number : 4
Page : 210-222
Year/Month : 1976 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : In Japan, interceptive measures to the increasing dental caries in young children have been recognized as the important and emergency problem. It seems, therefore, to be meaningful to investigate the eating habits of the children. In our previous reports, a result which caries prevalence in 586 one-year old children is closely connected with eating habits, especially between meal eating habits, has been obtained. In this report, 75 children suffered with caries (caries group) and 75 children with no caries (caries-free group) selected randomly from 505 children with no caries were divided from the same subjects used in our previous report. The diets consumed for 24 hours in the day before dental examination were surveyed and the relationships between the diets and dental caries on the basis of the nutritional intake were analysed. The results were as follows : 1. On the total amounts (weights) of the diets consumed in a day, all nutrients except vitamin A in caries-free group and vitamin C in caries group were more consumed than the standard recommended allowance. 2. Total weights of intake were slightly higher in the caries group than in caries-free group, the total intakes of carolies, however, were higher in the caries-free group than in the caries one. The total intakes of protein were higher in the caries-free group than in the caries one, and fat-intakes were higher in the caries group than in the caries-free one. Calcium and vitamin B2 were more consumed in the caries-free group than in the caries one. 3. On the intakes of beverages, the caries-free group consumed mainly cow's milk and powdered cow's milk, thus consumed more protein and calcium than in caries one, whereas caries group consumed more fermented milk beverages and soft drinks (carbonate beverages) than in caries-free one. On the intakes of snacks, caries group consumed more all nutrients, especially vitamin A, except sodium chloride and vitamin B1. 4. Caries-free group consumed more balanced diets nutritionally than caries one.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :