


Title : 局部義歯における維持装置の振動伝達特性に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 金安英治
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 11
Number : 2
Page : 94-137
Year/Month : 1976 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」局部義歯の維持装置の主体を占めるクラスプは衆知のようにカリエス, 鈎歯の動揺, 鈎歯の歯周疾患などを生じやすく, また審美性にも問題があることが指摘されている. これらの諸問題を解決するひとつの方法としてアタッチメントが応用され, その長い臨床経験によって有効性が認められているが, 鈎歯動揺防止メカニズムについては未だ数多くの疑問点が残されている. 特に遊離端義歯における鈎歯の動揺については従来より数多く研究報告されているが, 鈎歯に伝達される力の質についての研究は数が少ない. 筆者は鈎歯に加わる力の質の探究の前段階として, 維持装置を機械振動系の中にとり入れ各維持装置間の差異を求め, 維持装置と義歯部との連結機構解明の一手段とすることを試みた. 日常の咀嚼で力を考えるとき, それは一般的な力というよりは衝撃と思われる. そのために本実験では静的な加重でなく動的な振動を応用した. データー検出には加振が動的なものであるので加速度を利用した. 義歯部に加わった力が維持装置を介して鈎歯に伝達されるときの周期および振幅 (エネルギー) の差は, 維持装置の差によって当然変化するので判定が可能である. 判定方法には種々なものがあるが筆者は, 1) ランダムノイズによるランダム振動測定法 (ランダムテスト), 2) 正弦波に対応する周波数応答特性の測定法 (周波数掃引テスト) の2方法によって行った. 測定結果をまとめると (1) 本実験のランダムテストにより維持装置の外力伝達特性を数値として明示することができた. (2) 周波数掃引テストにより維持装置の性質がExtension型, Clasp型, 歯冠外アタッチメント型および歯冠内アタッチメント型の波形パターンがあることが解った. (3) ランダムテストにおいて, 基準Extensionに対しISO規格1オクターブバンド分析4KHzでは, 垂直に加えた外力に対する咬合面方向のエネルギー平均によって, Clasp+Hinge, Crown+Hinge, Akers Clasp, Dalbo 667, ASC 52-sb, Stern G/L. 096, Dalbo mini, Ceka 727, Ceka 697, Ney chayes, CSP-mh, ASC 52-nsb, Schatzmann, Stern G/L.07, の順位で防振性が低下することが解った. (4) Ball N Socket HingeはClasp及びCrownの付着する装置に関係なく, Extension Bridge型の連結より約20dBすなわち1/10の防振性を有すると考えられる. (5) Stern G L. 07, CSP-cy, CSP-hよりBall N Socket Hingeは約15dBすなわち(1/3~1/10)の間の防振性を有すると考えられる. (6) ASC 52の250Hz帯域で, 0.3mmのスペースメインティナーを付与することにより約10dBすなわち1/3の防振効果の差で緩圧と非緩圧の差を認め, ASC 52緩圧型は防振性をもつものと考えられる.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Abstract : Studies on the Characteristics in Transfer Vibration of Retainers for Partial Denture
Subtitle :
Authors : Eiji Kanayasu, E.Matsuo
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 11
Number : 2
Page : 94-137
Year/Month : 1976 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : As is well known, the clasps which comprise the main part of the retainers for partial dentures have tendencies to cause caries, movement of the clasped teeth in addition to periodontosis, and also present problems in terms of esthetics. The attachment has been used as one method of solving these various problems and its effectiveness has been recognized after long clinical use. Regarding the mechanism for preventing movement of abutment teeth there are still quite a number of problems which remain. As a means of lightening the burden on the abutment tooth which presents the biggest problem among the problems encountered with the free-end saddle denture, there is the suggestion to extend the role of the mucous membrane to its possible limits and thus lessen the occlusal pressure on the abutment teeth. Another suggestion has been, that in view of the fact that the occlusal opposing force is less than the lateral opposing force, it is advisable to lessen the opposing lateral force as much as possible. Regarding this, there have been the following reserch reports. The suggestions above have taken the direction and force on the dentures to be primary and have not taken into consideration the type of force. The author, as a preliminary step to examining the type of force exerted on abutment teeth, introduced the retainers to vibration on a mechanical vibration block to find the differences between the various retainers and tested it as a method of makimg clear the connective function between the dentures and the retaining mechanism. 1) Experimental Mechanism and Method When we consider the force exerted during everyday mastication it is perhaps more appropriate to consider it as a collision force rather than a load. With that in mind, in this experiment, instead of static addition of force, dynamic vibration was employed. As the data output shows, the excitation is of a dynamic nature and thus an increase of speed was employed. It produced many beneficial points which allowed for change in both the speed and the position at the same time. By examining the differences in the cycle during which the force exerted on the denture portion is relayed to the abutment teeth through the retainers as well as the amplitude (energy) differences, we can determine that there is considerable variation depending on the differences among the retainers. There are many methods of determination, but the author carried out his determination by the following methods : 1 Random vibration measurement using random noise ("Random test"). 2 Measurement of frequency response using sinusoidal sweep ("Sweep frequency test"). 1 As an exciter source in the "random test" use was made of random pink noise. By using a method which measured the random vibration in the signals picked up by the retainers, we were able to quantitatively measure the anti-vibration properties of the retainers. 2 In the sweep frequency test, for the exciter source use was made of vibrations which were the result of changing sinusoidal wave signals into mechanical vibration to excite the test materials. By means of a method which measured in the retainers the frequency response in relation to a "tracked" sinusoidal sweep in the excitation cycle, we determined the nature of the transfer of vibration in the retainers. Experimental Retainers In the present experiment, we used the following retainers as the object of investigation : [1) Retaining Mechanisms Produced in our Laboratories] 1. Akers Clasp, 2. Channel Shoulder Pin-Cylinder (CSP-cy), 3. Channel Shoulder Pin-Modified horseshoe (CSP-mh), 4. Channel Shoulder Pin-Horseshoe (CSP-h), 5. Ball N Socket Hinge which is joined with an Akers Clasp (Clasp+Hinge), 6. Crown and Hinge which consists of joining a Ball N Socket Hinge directly with a full cast crown (Crown+Hinge) [2) Manufactured Intracoronal Attachments] 7. Stern G/L .07, 8. Stern G/L .096, 9. Ney Chayes, 10. Schatzinann [3) Manufactured Extracoronal Attachments] 11. ASC 52 Nonresilient type (ASC 52-nsb), 12. ASC 52 Resilient type (ASC 52-sb), 13. Ceka 727, 14. Ceka 697, 15. Dalbo 667, 16. Dalbo mini With these types of retaining mechanisms as our basis, we selected the type of connective section found in the one-piece cast type Extension Bridge which is considered the most durable type of connecting mechanism. We ranked the 16 different types of mechanisms according to their pressure reducing properties. [3 Results and Conclusions] The results of the preliminary experiment are shown in Chart 1 and Chart 3 as well as in figures 14 through 24. The measurement results are as shown in Charts 4, 12, and 13 in addition to figures 25 to 59. 1) In the "random test", we were able to show as a numerical value the nature of the transfer of external force in the retainers. 2) In the sweep frequency test, we discovered that, for the properties of the retainers, there were different wave patterns for the extension mechanism, clasp mechanism, extracoronal attachment mechanism, and intracoronal attachment mechanism respectively. 3) In the "random test", going by an ISO standard of 1 octave band analysis 4KHz, we discovered the mechanisms to possess anti-vibration properties on the following scale of good to poor with the energy involved in external force applied vertically in the direction of the occlusal surface taken as our average : 1 Clasp+Hinge, 2 Crown+Hinge, 3 Akers Clasp, 4 Dalbo 667, 5 ASC 52-sb, 6 Stern G/L .096 7 Dalbo mini, 8 Ceka 727, 9 Ceka 697, 10 Ney Chayes, 11 CSP-mh, 12 ASC 52-nsb, 13 Schatzmann, 14 Stern G/L .07, 4) The Ball N Socket Hinge has no relation to the mechanisms to be used on the clasp or crown. By a connection in the form of an Extension Bridge, it possesses around 20 dB, in other words, a decreasing potential of 1/10. 5) The Ball N Socket Hinge, as opposed to the Stern G/L. 07, CSP-cy, CSP-h, possesses a movement decreasing potential of about 15 dB, that is, within an area of 1/3 to 1/10. 6) With a band area of 250 Hz for the ASC 52, by means of adding a space maintainer of 0.3mm, we can recognize a difference in movement decreasing effects of about 10 dB or 1/3 as the difference between the resilient types and the nonresilient types, and thus the ASC 52 resilient type has movement decreasing properties.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :