


Title : 2才児の食餌摂取の実態とう蝕罹患状況 第2報 食餌摂取の実態とう蝕罹患との関係
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 内村登, 鈴木康久, 楯野英實, 藤波貴美子, 小野孝明, 佐藤博
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 11
Number : 2
Page : 139-152
Year/Month : 1976 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」著者らは先に3才児, 1才児及び2才児を対象としてう蝕罹患状態を調査してきたが, 2才児はう蝕の激発期に当たり, 摂取する食物が大きく関与していると考えられた. 2才児は離乳食を完全にやめて, 固形食が固定する時期であり, 種々の食品が量多く摂取されるようになる幼児期である. 幼児期は1日3回の食事では栄養学的に栄養が不足であり, 栄養を補うための間食が必要とされている. 昨今では, 容易に手に入れることのできる菓子類や飲料類を間食として摂取する習慣が身につき始めている. こうしたことがう蝕を激発させる要因と考えられる. 今回は第1報で報告した2才児のう蝕罹患状況にひきつづき, 2才児の食餌として特にう蝕罹患に関係深い間食についてその実態とう蝕罹患との関係を調査した. 資料は第1報で用いたのと同様, 男児242例, 女児271例についてのものである. 調査した結果は次の通りであった. 1) 哺乳ビン使用中止時期は平均12ヵ月であったが, 哺乳ビン使用期間が長いほど罹患率が高い傾向はみられなかった. 2) 洗口の習慣について. 1才児では全く洗口しないものが72.4%であったが, 1日1回以上洗口するというものが57.7%で, 過半数が洗口の習慣を身につけていた. しかし, 洗口するものほど罹患状態が悪くなっていた. 3) 間食の種類について. 1才児よりも2才児は嗜好食品を多く摂取し, また嗜好食品摂取者の罹患状態は悪い傾向を示した. また, う蝕誘発性が高い食品と考えられるものは炭酸飲料類, チョコレート類, アイスクリーム類, ガム類であった. 4) 間食摂取の規律性. 飲料類では1才児より2才児の方が自由に摂取しているものが多かった. 菓子類では自由に摂取しているものが75%であったが, 1才児と2才児との間に大差なく, また飲料類, 菓子類ともに自由に与えているものの方が罹患状態が悪かった. 5) 間食の摂取頻度. 飲料類, 菓子類とも1才児では夜間の摂取がみられなかったが, 2才児では夜間の摂取が増加していた. 頻度とう蝕罹患の関係は1才児ほど明確な結果は得られなかったが, このことは2才児の摂取方法がより複雑化しているためと考察された. 6) 夜泣き時およびおめざ時の間食摂取. 飲料類摂取では1才児より2才児の方が減少する傾向がみられたが, 菓子類では1才児よりも2才児の方がやや増加していた. 夜泣き時摂取については摂取者は非摂取者よりも罹患率が高い傾向を示していた. また, おめざ時の菓子類摂取についても同様であった. 7) 間食の数種摂取とう蝕罹患型. 飲料類, 菓子類ともに非う蝕罹患者は種類が増加するほど減少する傾向が認められ, う蝕罹患者は種類が増加するほど増加する傾向が認められた. 8) 間食の摂取頻度とう蝕罹患型. 類種摂取と同様に非う蝕罹患者は摂取頻度の増加に伴ない減少する傾向がみられた. う蝕罹患者は摂取頻度の増加とともに増加する傾向がみられ, 特に広範性う蝕のc型, d型で顕著であった. Weissらの方法に準じて調査した摂取回数と1人平均う蝕歯数との間には明確な関係は認められなかった.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Abstract : Eating Habits and Dental Caries Prevalence in Two-Years Old Children Part.2 : The relationships between eating habits and dental caries prevalence
Subtitle :
Authors : Noboru Uchimura, Yasuhisa Suzuki, Hidemi Tateno, Kimiko Fujinami, Kohmei Ono, Hiroshi Sato, Morio Higaki
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 11
Number : 2
Page : 139-152
Year/Month : 1976 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The authors have studied on the dental caries prevalence in younger children, and reported that the caries prevalence rate was 86.4% in 3 years old children, 12.9% in 1 year old children, and 53.8% in 2 years old children in Japan. It is considered from these facts that the foods consumed were contributed to the remakable increments in the dental caries prevalence. 2 years old children were in the early preschool period that the children were weaned completely, were accustomed to eat solid foods, and became to consume many sorts of items and much amounts of foods. It is said that preschool children need to eat between meals for the nutritional insufficiency only in three meals a day. These between-meal eating habits are considered as a factor causing the increment in the dental caries prevalence. In this report (second report) the diet habits, especially the between-meal eating habits, and their relationships with dental caries prevalence were surveyed using 2 years old children (242 boys and 271 girls), continuing to the 1st report. The between-meals were also devided into two categories : beverages and snacks, as similarly as in 1 year old children. The results were as follows : 1) The period of stopping the use of nursing bottle was in 12 months on the averages, and it was not shown that the longer was the period using the nursing bottle, the higher was the dental caries prevalence. 2) 57.7% of them had had the habit of oral prophylaxis, but dental caries prevalence was higher in the children with the habit than in the children without the habit. 3) They had consumed more amounts of beverages and snacks than ones in 1 year old children. The dental caries prevalence was higher in the children consumed more amounts of bevarages and snacks. Carbonate bevarages, chocolates, ice creams, and chewing gums were considered as the items being high in caries producing potentials. 4) They had consumed less the beverages punctually at the definite hours a day than 1 year old children. 25% of them had consumed the snacks punctually, and the rate was almost same as 1 year old children's. 5) They had consumed more the snacks and bevarages before sleeping at night than ones in 1 year old children. The relationships between the frequency of eating between meals and dental caries prevalence were so inconclusive in them as in 1 year old children. This suggested that their eating habits were more complicated than 1 year old children's. 6) The children who had consumed the beverages at crying in night or at waking up were less than ones in 1 year old children, but the children who had consumed the snacks at such hours were slightly more than ones in 1 year old children. The dental caries prevalence were higher in the children who consumed the beverages and snacks at crying in the night, and were higher in the children who consumed the snacks at waking up. 7) The more increasing were the sorts of the beverages and the snacks consumed, the less were the children with no dental caries, and the more were the children with dental caries. 8) The caries prevalence, especially in the extensive caries attack patterns (c and d type), had increased with the increase in the frequency of eating between meals. No so relationships was observed between the frequency of eating between meals and dmft index, as Weiss and Trithart reported.
Practice : Dentistry
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