


Title : Carbenoxolone Sodiumのマウス母体ならびに胎仔におよぼす影響 第一報 : Carbenoxolone Sodiumの交配前および妊娠初期投与によるマウス胎仔におよぼす影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 東寛, 岡部栄逸朗, 辻谷典彦, 松川英彦, 檜山英司, 川口洋二, 伊藤春生
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学薬理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 11
Number : 4
Page : 230-278
Year/Month : 1977 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」Biorex Laboratoriesで開発されたCarbenoxolone sodium (3-O-β-Carboxypropionyl-11-oxo-18β-olean-12-en-30-oic acidのdisodium塩, 以下CBXと略す)は, 胃潰瘍および十二指腸潰瘍に対しすぐれた治療効果を示すことが報告されている. その急性, 亜急性毒性試験の結果については松田らが, 一般薬理学的検討は高木らが, またマウス・ウサギ胎仔に及ぼす影響については松田らによりすでに報告されている. 今回わたくしどもは毒性研究の一環として交配成立前より妊娠初期に本薬剤を経口投与し, 母体ならびに胎仔への影響を, また雄マウスに対する投与を行ない, 交叉試験も同時に検討したので報告する. 「実験材料および方法」「1)動物」ICR系マウス(日本クレア社)を各群雌雄20匹使用した. 雄は5週令, 雌は8週令で購入し, 雄は7週令, 雌は10週令まで当動物舎内で予備飼育し, 外陰部に発赤を認めた未経産雌を雄と1対1の割合で一夜同居させ, 翌朝膣栓の存在を確認したものを妊娠0日と起算, その後交配成立した雌は雄より分離し個別に18日まで飼育した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Teratological Studies of Carbenoxolone Sodium in Mice I. The effect of carbenoxolone administration before mating and during early pregnancy on mice fetuses
Subtitle :
Authors : Hiroshi Higashi, Eiichiro Okabe, Michihiko Tsujitani, Hidehiko Matsukawa, Eiji Hiyama, Youji Kawaguchi, Haruo Ito
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pharmacology, Kanagwa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 11
Number : 4
Page : 230-278
Year/Month : 1977 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Carbenoxolone sodium, sodium 3β-hydroxy-11-oxo-12-oleanen-30-oate sodium succinate, has been developed as a peptic ulcer agent. This study was undertaken to investigate its teratogenicity. Carbenoxolone sodium, dissolved in saline solution, was given to male and female mice before mating and on early pregnancy at the doses of 50, 100 and 200mg/kg/day and the effects on dams, fetuses and pregnancy rate were evaluated. 1) Carbenoxolone did not affect maternal body weight gain, survival rate of fetus, fetus sex ratio and fetus body weight. 2) There were no teratogenicity and no embryo resorption effects in carbenoxolone and it did not accelerate abnormal ossification. 3) Only partial retarded ossification was observed in fetuses born by the mating group with the highest dosage. (200mg/kg/day was given male and female mice before mating.) 4) No influence was observed in mating rate and pregnancy rate It is concluded from the present study carbenoxolone sodium given to male and female mice before mating and in early pregnancy stage does not affect their fetuses.
Practice : Dentistry
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