


Title : Carbenoxolone Sodiumのマウス母体ならびに胎仔におよぼす影響 第2報 : 妊娠中に投与されたCarbenoxolone Sodiumのマウス母体ならびに胎仔におよぼす影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 東寛, 岡部栄逸朗, 辻谷典彦, 松川英彦, 檜山英司, 清水秀夫, 伊藤春生
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学薬理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 12
Number : 1
Page : 5-38
Year/Month : 1977 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」著者らは, さきにCarbenoxolone Sodiumを交配前および妊娠初期にマウスに経口投与し, 母体および胎仔におよぼす影響について観察し, 交尾能力, 催奇形性が認められないことを報告した. 今回著者らは, 薬物を器官形成期および周産期・授乳期に投与し, それにたいするマウス母体および胎仔, 新生仔におよぼす影響について観察したので報告する. 「実験材料および方法」「1. 動物」ICRマウス(日本クレア社)8~10週齢を購入後, 2週間予備飼育し外陰部に発赤を認めた未経産の雌各群20匹を雄と1:1の割合で一夜同居させ, 翌朝膣栓の存在を確認したものを妊娠0日と起算し, 交配成立の雌は雄より分離し個別に飼育した. なお, 分娩後は離乳期まで新生仔と同居させた. 予備飼育, 実験期間を通じてマウスは水道水と固形飼料CA-1(日本クレア)を自由に与え, 室温23±1℃, 湿度55±5%の条件下の恒温室内で飼育をおこなった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Teratological Studies of Carbenoxolone Sodium in Mice II. The effect of carbenoxolone administration during pregnancy
Subtitle :
Authors : Hiroshi Higashi, Eiichiro Okabe, Michihiko Tsujitani, Hidehiko Matsukawa, Eiji Hiyama, Hideo Shimizu, Haruo Ito
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Pharmacology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 12
Number : 1
Page : 5-38
Year/Month : 1977 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Carbenoxolone sodium was orally administered at the doses of 50, 100 and 200mg/kg/day to mice during the period of organogenesis, peri-and post-natal period. Its effects on dams, fetuses and offspring were investigated. The results are summarized as follows ; [A]. Administration of carbenoxolone during the period of organogenesis 1) Carbenoxolone has no teratogenicity and embryo absorption effect. 2) No influence on number of implantation, live fetus number and fetus sex ratio were observed. 3) Fetus body weight was not affected by the drug. However, a significant difference was observed on maternal body weight gain in the highest dosage group. 4) Carbenoxolone did not accelerate abnormal ossification. Only partial retarded ossification were observed in the mating group treated with the highest dosage. 5) There were no effects on pregnancy rate, body weight change of newborns and nursing and growing rate. 6) Behavioral abnormalities and change in special sensation were not obseved. [B]. Administration of carbenoxolone during peri-and post-natal period 1) Cardenoxolone did not affect body weight of dams, fetuses and offspring. 2) There were no teratogenicity and embryo absorption effects in carbenoxolone. 3) No influence on number of implantion, live fetus number, fetus sex ratio, nursing and growing rate were observad. 4) There were no abnormalities on behavior and general conditions. These results suggest that carbenoxolone sodium has no teratogenicity in mice.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :