


Title : 食塩応用の改良型簡易乾熱滅菌器について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 平嶺勝嗣, 蒲池春寿, 高城利光, 大木修二, 長田保
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 12
Number : 2
Page : 87-95
Year/Month : 1977 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I はじめに」抜髄および根管処置は, 直視困難な狭い手術野において, しかも器械器具や薬剤が容易に到達し難い部位で行なわれる手術と考えられる. したがって一般外科手術と同様に, 無菌的操作の重要なことは論を俟たない. しかしながら, 抜髄および根管治療に際しては, 同一の根管用小器具を繰返して使用する場合が多く, 一旦消毒滅菌を施した器具材料なども, 数多くの繁雑な操作中に手指や齲窩あるいは感染した根管などに触れて汚染され, そのために感染を来たして治療時間を遷延させる可能性が多い. このようなことから, 根管治療用器具材料は, 操作中にこまめに, しかも迅速に再消毒を行なう必要が生ずる. このような観点から在来, 外国においては, molten metal, glass beads, 小鋼球, 食塩などを応用した簡易乾熱滅菌装置が考案され, わが国においても2, 3の装置が市販されている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : A Study of Improved Hot Salt Steriizer for Root Canal Instruments
Subtitle :
Authors : Katsutsugu Hiramine, Haruhisa Kamachi, Toshimitsu Takagi, Shuji Ohki, Tamotsu Osada
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Conservatiev Dentistry Kauagawa Deutal College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 12
Number : 2
Page : 87-95
Year/Month : 1977 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Hot salt sterilizer recommended by Grossman, Ingle and others, is extremely valuable for sterilization of intracanal instrument. But in high humidity condition such as Japan, it is undesirable to use this sterilizer due to caking of salt and this causes inter-position of intracanal instrument. Therefore authors attached a vibrator to this apparatus to improve this drawback. Applying vibration, the hot salt circulates in the metal cup of apparatus, prevented from caking. In addition, the temparature of hot salt in the metal cup is kept in uniform. The serilization effect of this apparatus against microorganisms is superior to the ordinary one. Authers have manifactued such apparatus for trial and reported on The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry in 1975. However, noise by vibration and temparature variation in the apparatus has caused an additional trouble. Cosequently authors have modified this apparatus, completed the new type apparatus. Several experimented studies evaluating this apparatus were done on the thermal, bacteriological and technological standpoint. The results are as follows : 1) A new type apparatus has been a good success in improvement on reducing the gradient in differences of both temparature between center and outer wall, between base and surface of wall, compared with its previous apparatus. 2) In bacteriological tests, a new type apparatus showed better results on sterilization effect for files than a previous type apparatus. 3) No changes of cutting sharpness were observed on files utilizing this apparatus.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :