


Title : 唾液中NCS- およびI- の歯科衛生上の意義に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 鎌田守雄, 飯塚喜一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 12
Number : 4
Page : 212-222
Year/Month : 1978 / 3
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」唾液中に抗菌因子があることは古くから認められていた. たとえばKrasnowは唾液中NCS-の診断的価値に関する広汎な考察が1910年の始めにあったことを述べている. 実際に, チオシアン酸溶液がう蝕の予防剤や治療剤として推薦されていたのである. しかし, この主張も, チオシアン酸の抑制効果が証明されないということで人気が落ちてしまっている. ただ, Kroncke & Naujoksによれば, う蝕活動性の高い人の唾液中NCS-濃度(3.0~5.0mg/dl)よりはう蝕のない人のそれ(5.5~9.0mg/dl)の方が高いことを報告している. いずれにしても, NCS-のう蝕抑制性における価値については充分にはわかっていないようである. また唾液中I-にもある程度のう蝕抑制性があるかもしれないと考えられていた. しかし, I-とう蝕との関連については更に研究も少なく, ほとんどわかっていない状態であるといってよい.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Studies On Salivary Thiocyanate, Iodide And Their Relations To Oral Health
Subtitle :
Authors : Morio Kamata, Y.Iizuka
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 12
Number : 4
Page : 212-222
Year/Month : 1978 / 3
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Some findings have been reported on the thiocyanate and iodide of saliva and on their relations to dental health. Variations of their contents under variable conditions and their real meanings for oral health, however, have hardly been made clear. This reason might be based on the difficult determinations of these ions. In our laboratory, a series of study on these points has been carried out by the aid of specific ion electrodes for thiocyanate and iodide (Orion Specific Ion Electrode). Considering of present results, following conclusions may be introduced : ...... (1) The fair stabilities were recognized on both Orion thiocyanate and iodide electrodes. Analysis to 5×10-6M NaSCN (NCS- 0.29 ppm) was possible under 0.1M KNO3 background, and 10-7M NaI (I-0.013 ppm) was able to determine under 0.1M NaCl background, respectively. (2) Application of the known addition method nearly excluded several interferences in saliva, and the good results were obtained through the recovery tests with saliva samples. (3) Variations in a day and daily variations of both ions in saliva were observed, but they might be not so high. The thiocyanate content was tended to decrease from the daytime to the evening. (4) Both thiocyanate and iodide contents in saliva were increased by smoking. It may be considered that the function of salivary glands would be affected through the smoking. (5) Thiocyanate and iodide contents in paraffin stimulated saliva samples of 183 males, aged from 22 to 27, were 79.2 +- 32.91 ppm (17~200 ppm) and 0.54 +- 0.44 ppm (0.17~3.75 ppm), respectively. (6) No relations were obtained between the both ions contents in saliva and DMFT, PMA and DI (Vermillion's), respectively. However, the higher DMFT scores were the higher iodide contents in saliva. (7) On the contrary, positive correlations were found between the both ions contents in saliva and PI (Russell's).
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :