


Title : 頭部X線規格写真法による日本人学童の顎顔面頭蓋の形態学的研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 加来哲夫, 鈴木祥井
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学矯正学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 13
Number : 2
Page : 66-95
Year/Month : 1978 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I. 緒言」成長期にある歯科矯正患者を診断し, 治療し, あるいは患者の術後の安定を図る上で, 初診時の顎顔面頭蓋の形態が個体の成長発育に伴なって変化してゆく様相を的確に把握することは, 臨床医にとって極めて重要な課題の1つである. しかし, 当初は, 生体計測, あるいは乾燥頭蓋などを用いてのある年齢毎のいわゆる継続的な研究から成長発育を推測するにすぎず, 連続して個体の変化を追求することは, 1931年のBroadbentによる頭部X線規格写真法の歯科矯正学の分野への導入にまたねばならなかった. この手段は多くの研究者に利用され, 爾後の顎顔面頭蓋部の成長発育の研究は飛躍的に発展した. すなわち, ある集団をとらえ, その成長変化を各年齢についての形態的特徴としてあらわすいわゆる平均成長や, 個体毎にその成長の軌跡をたどる個成長などに多くの業蹟があがっている. 一方, 成長期の矯正患者における形態的変化には2つの要素が含まれる.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Morphological Studies of Cranio-facial Complex in Japanese Children by Means of Roentgenographic Cephalometry
Subtitle :
Authors : Tetsuo Kaku, Yoshii Suzuki
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Orthodontics Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 13
Number : 2
Page : 66-95
Year/Month : 1978 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: Materials of longitudinal lateral cephalogram have been taken from 47 males and 40 females ranging from 1st-year elementary school children to 3rd-year junior high school pupils (nineth grader). Standard disposition has been conducted with line N-Ar. Displacement in terms of measurement points of the nineth grader and those of younger has been searched through disparity in standard measurement. In consequence, the following findings have been obtained. 1. The standard disposition of the materials is conducted by taking line N-Ar as a basic standard linear measure, thereby, cranio-facial pattern can be indicated in a simplified manner. 2. Variation in each measurement point is shown by the standard measurement, therefore, the variations become easier to compare. 3. In the case where there is a variation in the standard measurement, the condition of the teeth has considerable effects on mandibular rotation. 4. There is a good chance with much probability that the prediction of the pattern of cranio-facial complex will be realized. Apparently in cases with discrepancies, no significant difference could be seen between original profilogram and predictable profilogram in patterns from chin angle through mandibular plane to gonial angle. The matter stated above indicates that this method has quite a high accuracy about quantitative prediction.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :