


Title : 歯肉内縁上皮下の有窓性血管に関する電顕的観察
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 高橋常男, 高橋和人
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 13
Number : 3
Page : 113-133
Year/Month : 1978 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」歯肉内縁上皮は非角化性で歯牙に接し, 歯肉浸出液がみられる点で, 一般の口腔粘膜上皮とは異なる特異的な上皮である. 我々は内縁上皮のこの浸出液の流出路について, 走査型電顕, 透過型電顕を用い上皮基底膜より上皮表層までの追求を行いその経路を明確にした. さらに内縁上皮基底膜直下に存在する小血管の超微構造を同様に立体的に観察した結果, 血管透過性に非常に関係の深い有窓性血管の出現頻度は, 検索した血管総数の約40%にみられ, 特に歯肉稜部で多数存在していることを明らかにした. そこで内縁上皮下に存在した有窓性血管の由来を求める一段階として, 縮合エナメル上皮下の血管を観察し, 他方再生血管においても, もとの様に有窓性血管が出現するかどうかをイヌの歯肉切除後の再生歯肉について検索を行い次の知見を得た. (1)石灰化完了後の未萌出のエナメル上皮を養う血管には, 部位的差はあるが一様に多くの有窓性血管がみられた. 萌出が開始されると咬頭頂部付近の上皮下に有窓性のものが数多くみられる様になり, 歯冠の一部が萌出したものでは歯肉稜部で最も多くの有窓性血管がみられた. (2)一方, 再生歯肉においては術後2週目までは遊離歯肉上皮下全体の血管に有窓性血管がみられ, 特に多数の小孔をもつタイプの有窓性血管が歯肉稜部で多くみられた. 回復が進むにつれて外縁上皮側(口腔粘膜)の有窓性血管はその数が減少するが, 内縁側の出現頻度は増加し, 最終的には40%前後となった.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Experimental Observations on the Derivation of A Blood Vessels of fenestrate Type under the inner Epithelium (sulcular and junctional Epithelium) of the Dog Gingiva
Subtitle :
Authors : Tsuneo Takahashi, Kazuto Takahashi
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 13
Number : 3
Page : 113-133
Year/Month : 1978 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]: The inner epithelium (sulcular epithelium and junctional epithelium) of the gingiva has a specific character, which is different from the remaining part of the oral epithelium in the following respects : it is not keratinized, contact with a tooth surface and permeable for gingival fluid. The passage of this gingival fluid was clarified by scanning the ultrastructure of the epithelium from its basal layer to a superficial layer by means of SEM and TEM. In addition the ultrastructure of the small blood vessels underlying the basal lamina of the epithelium was examined. As a result it was found that about 40% of the total blood vessels under the entire inner epithelium is of a fenestrate type which are closely related to the permeability of the blood vessels and that they are distributed in a larger number especially under the sulcular epithelium (near the gingival crest). In order to see the origin of the blood vessels of a fenestrate type underlying the inner epithelium, firstly the blood vessels located under the reduced enamel epithelium in non-operated dogs were observed, and secondly it was examined whether the blood vessels of a fenestrate type appear in the regenerating gingiva in dogs with gingivectomy and the following result was obtained : (1) A number of blood vessels of a fenestrate type are visible in the blood vessels which nurse the reduced enamel epithelium and the junctional epithelium which are attached to the tooth crown shortly before eruption, although there are different in number locationally. As the tooth begins to erupt, the blood vessels of a fenestrate type increase in number adjacent to the junctional epithelium attached to the incisal part or the summit of the cusp. At the time when part of the tooth crown is erupted, the blood vessels of a fenestrate type are visible in a larger number in the gingival crest. (2) In the regenerating gingiva in the blood vessels of a fenestrate type are visible under the entire regenerating epithelium in the second week after operation. Especially a larger number of the small blood vessels of a fenestrate type which have many fenestra are found in the gingival crest. With recovery of the wound the blood vessels of a fenestrate type adjacent to the outer epithelium (oral epithelium) decrease in number, but those under the inner epithelium do not change in number. Finally the number of the blood vessels of a fenestrate type under the entire inner epithelium returns to the former state, indicating about 40%.
Practice : Dentistry
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