


Title : フッ化物の化学的う蝕予防作用に関する実験的研究 - 局所作用
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 小池雄, 飯塚喜一
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学口腔衛生学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 13
Number : 3
Page : 134-143
Year/Month : 1978 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「はじめに」フッ化物のう蝕予防メカニズムに関しては多くの研究があり, まだ完全に解明されているわけではないが, 大体のところはつかまえられているようである. すなわち, (1)エナメル質アパタイトの結晶性を良くしてその耐酸性をたかめること, (2)う蝕原因菌に対する種々な作用 - 多糖類合成の抑制, 酸産生の抑制, 直接の抗菌性など - が考えられること, の2つがその主なものとして挙げられる. このうち, う蝕原因菌に対する作用に関しては, 実際の口腔内でどの程度の可能性があるか, またそれがう蝕発生を抑える上で, 実際にはどのくらいの価値があるものなのか, 今後更に研究を要するところであろう. アパタイトの耐酸性をたかめることに関しても, 細かい点についてはまだよくわかっていないことが多いようである. Spinelliらは低濃度のフッ化物溶液(フッ素として3~10ppm)とハイドロキシアパタイトとの間の相互作用を研究し, 3種類の作用の総合で, いわばフッ素(以下Fと略記)の作用が"エナメル質の成熟を促進するもの"という見解を発表している.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Studies on The Caries-Preventive Mechanism of Fluoride, Especially Its Local Effects
Subtitle :
Authors : Takeshi Koike, Y.Iizuka
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dental Health, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 13
Number : 3
Page : 134-143
Year/Month : 1978 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract]:There have been many investigations on the caries-preventive mechanism of fluoride, and recently, it may be considered that an outline of whole mechanism has been caught by our dental science. In our laboratory, a series of study on this point has been performed. Considering of present results, following conclusions may be introduced : 1. At the surface of synthesized apatite affected by the high concentrated fluoride solutions such as 8% SnF2 solution or an acidulated phosphate fluoride solution (2%. NaF in 0.15M H3PO4 : pH 3.7), calcium fluoride was produced for the most part. It may be considered that calcium fluoride may going to display an action as a low concentrated fluoride solution through gradual dissolution of calcium fluoride itself. In a case of apatite affected by 2% NaF neutral solution, however, the proportion of calcium fluoride produced would be considerably low in its proportion and a little formation of fluoraptite would be considered, although it was found that the absolute amount of fluoride reacted to apatite was fairly less than in cases of two solutions abovementioned. 2. When the hydroxyapatites were affected by the relatively low concentraed fluoride solutions such as 0.05-0.2% NaF solutions, the crystallinities of apatites were improved and the formation of fluorapatite was considered. Moreover, at this circumstance, such a process may be considered that the hydroxyapatite dissolved initially could be recrystallized as fluorapatite. 3. When a trace amount of fluoride (10ppm or less) was contained in a solution equilibrated with calcium and phosphate, precipitation of an apatite-like constituent was promoted clearly and improvement of its crystallinity was stimulated. 4. In short, it may be concluded that the continual existence of trace amounts of fluoride at the surface of enamel may be a most important factor which could show the maximum caries-preventive effect by the local application of fluoride.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :