


Title : 動物腫瘍への67Ga取り込みに及ぼす放射線照射の影響
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 鹿島勇
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学放射線学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 14
Number : 1
Page : 52-70
Year/Month : 1979 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「I 緒言」 1969年EdwardsとHayesによって, 偶然にアイソトープの67Ga-citrate(ガリウム-67クエン酸塩)がホジキン病の頸部リンパ節の病巣に選択的に多く摂取されることが発見された. それ以来, このアイソトープによる「ガンの診断」のこころみは臨床レベルで広く世界の核医学者によって使用され, 今日, その基礎的研究および臨床例の報告はきわめて多い現状である. わが国でも, 現在なお悪性腫瘍に親和性アイソトープとして, 67Ga-citrateは臨床で最も多く使われている. さらに, 最近, 67Ga-citrateは「ガンの診断」のみならず, 67Gaスキャン像の濃淡から悪性腫瘍の放射線治療に対する感受性の推定や, 治療効果の判定にも有効であるとの報告が散見される. 著者もさきに, 頭頸部腫瘍の症例の治療前後の67Gaスキャン像を比較して, 67Gaスキャン像は放射線治療の効果の判定に有効であったと報告した.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : The Influence of Irradiation on Gallium-67 Accumulation in Animal Tumor.
Subtitle :
Authors : Isamu Kashima
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Radiology, kanagaawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 14
Number : 1
Page : 52-70
Year/Month : 1979 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The present investigation was undertaken in order to study the relationships between the 67Ga accumulation and effect of irradiation on the tumor tissues in mice bearing Ehrlich's ascites tumor and following results were obtained. 1) The growth of animals tumor was inhibited by localized irradiation of 1,000 rad, 2,000 rad, and 3,000 rad. Especially when 2,000 rad and 3,000 rad were given, the growth of tumor showed three patterns of inhibition. Namely, the growth of tumor was temporarily inhibited; the growth of tumor was considerably inhibited, but several days later growth took place again; and the tumor disappeared completely. 2) Accumulation of 67Ga into the tumor tissue was almost proportional to the number of tumor cells in the tissue, suggesting that 67Ga was accumulated into tumor cells. However, accumulation amount of 67Ga was small in the tumor tissues undergoing marked degeneration and necrosis by radiation therapy of 2,000 rad using 60Co. 3) The amount of 67Ga accumulated into tumor tissues was large in the tumor parenchyma, but was small in the necrotic lesion. 67Ga was also accumulated in relatively large amounts into the bone, which was in good agreement with the results of 67Ga macroautoradiograms of the tumor tissue.
Practice : Dentistry
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