


Title : 人歯垢より分離したStreptococcus mutans溶解菌ならびに各種レンサ球菌の分布とう蝕との関連性に関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 富田芳己
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学細菌学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 14
Number : 2
Page : 87-130
Year/Month : 1979 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 う蝕歯のない児童とう蝕歯を保有する児童とを比較すると, その歯垢中のStreptococus mutans(以下, Str.mutans)の出現および量に有意な差があるという多くの報告があり, 乳歯う蝕ではう蝕の発生の前に歯垢中のStr.mutansの比率が増大してくることが報告されている. これらの事実から, 人のう蝕においてもStr.mutansは主要なう蝕原性菌と考えられる. 著者らは歯垢の微生物叢-特にStr.mutansの動態に影響する微生物-に興味を持ち, 7~9才の児童の歯垢より, Str.mutansを溶解する菌を分離し, その2・3の性状について検討し, う蝕の悪化の程度とともにStr.mutans溶解菌が減少傾向にあることを示してた. 本報告は, Str.mutans溶解菌とう蝕との関係をさらに明確にするために, う蝕歯のない児童5名と開放性う蝕を保有する児童5名を選び, 中切歯と第1大臼歯の全歯面より歯垢を採取して, その歯垢中のStr.mutans溶解菌とStr.mutansを含む各種streptococciの分布状態を調べた. なお, Str.mutans溶解菌は, Str.mutans E-49の死菌を混入した培地に歯垢試料を塗沫して, 嫌気的に培養し, 培地上に発育した集落の周囲に生ずる透明帯により分離した. その結果, Str.mutans溶解菌は集落の周りに明確な透明帯をつくるもの(+)と, 透明帯の幅が狭く, その辺縁がやや不明瞭なものを(±)とに大別された. Str.mutans溶解菌の総菌数に対する比率は, う蝕のない児童の方が, 開放性う蝕歯を保有する児童より高い比率を示し, 両者の差は統計的に有意となり, Str.mutans溶解菌とう蝕との関連性が認められた. また, Str.mutansはう蝕歯のない児童に比べて, 開放性う蝕歯を保有する児童の方が検出率ならびに全レンサ球菌に対する比率において, ともに極めて高い値を示し, Str.mutansとう蝕との高い関連性が示唆された. 一方, Str.sanguisは, Str.mutansとは逆にう蝕歯のない児童の方が開放性う蝕歯を保有する児童に比較して高い値を示した. また, Str.mutans溶解菌とStr.mutansは開放性う蝕歯を保有する児童の歯垢において負の相関々係が認められ, 逆に, Str.sanguisは全児童の歯面の歯垢において, Str.mutans溶解菌との間に正の相関々係が認められた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Relation between dental caries and Streptococcus mutans-lytic bacteria and several types of streptococci in dental plaques
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshimi Tomita
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Microbiology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 14
Number : 2
Page : 87-130
Year/Month : 1979 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Dental plaque samples, removed from labial, lingual and proximal surfaces of central incisor and buccal, proximal surfaces and pit and fissure of first molar, were obtained from both caries free and caries active children groups. The presence of Str.mutans-lytic bacteria and several other types of streptococci was demonstrated on the basis of lyric zone formed on agar plate containing dead cells of Str.mutans E-49 (ML agar plate) and on Mitis-Salivarius agar plate. The lyric bacteria were studied on several physiological characteristics and data obtained were correlated with their possible dental caries activity. Str.mutans-lytic bacteria were differentiated into two types according to the shape of lytic zone formed around the colony on ML agar plate. The first type showed clear edge and wide zone and the second showed hazy edge and narrow zone. The rate of Str.mutans-lytic bacteria in plaque samples was found to be significantly higher in caries free than in caries active children. Plaque from pit and fissure contained highest rate Str.mutans-lytic bacteria, and next higher rate was found in the plaque from labial surface of central incisor. Lower rates of occurrence were observed in the plaques of other tooth surfaces. The rate of Str.mutans was found to be extremely higher in caries active than in caries free subjects, but an inverse ratio was obtained in the rates of occurrence of Str.sanguis and Str.mitis. Lower occurrence was shown with Str.salivarius. There was a negative correlation between Str.mutans-lytic bacteria and Str.mutans on the rates of occurrence of smooth surfaces except pit and fissure of caries active children. In addition, a positive correlation between Str.mutans-lytic bacteria and Str.sanguis was observed on the rates of occurrence of smooth surfaces except pit and fissure.
Practice : Dentistry
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