


Title : 複根を有する下顎両側乳犬歯の興味ある1例
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 畑良明*, 伊東泰蔵*, 西村康*, 内村登*, 間宮信**
Authors(kana) :
Organization : *神奈川歯科大学小児歯科学教室, **神奈川歯科大学口腔解剖学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 14
Number : 2
Page : 177-183
Year/Month : 1979 / 9
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 人類の進化にともなって形態学的に歯は退化する傾向がみられ, その一つの現象として, 先天性欠如歯や癒合歯の出現率が増加し, 歯根の癒合, または過剰根をもつ歯も多くみられるようになった. しかし, 乳歯列, 永久歯列において, 犬歯は前歯群, 臼歯群との中間に位置し, 歯列形成および咬合の発育の上で重要な役割を果しており, その数, 形態が最も安定した歯であり, その形態に異常を生じることは解剖学上大変興味深いものである. 今回, 著者らは下顎両側乳犬歯に複根を有する希有なる症例に遭遇し, これを肉眼的およびレントゲン写真で詳細に観察する機会に恵まれ, 次の知見を得た. 1. レントゲン写真では乳犬歯の歯根は近遠心的に2分し, それぞれの根は歯冠直下の高位で分岐し, 同じ長さで終わる. 歯根の長さは他の切歯と同じ長さであった. 髄室のレントゲン像では, 近心半部が切歯の髄室に似て, 遠心半部が犬歯の髄室に類似していた. 2. 歯冠はほぼ乳犬歯に類似するが, 癒合線はみられなかった. また, 永久歯の複根歯では, 各部の計測値が平均より劣っているのに対し, 本症例では平均値より劣っているとはいえなかった.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : An interesting case of lower bilateral bifurcarcated root canines in deciduous dentition.
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshiaki Hata*, Taizo Itoh*, Yasushi Nishimura*, Noboru Uchimura*, Makoto Mamiya**
Authors(kana) :
Organization : *Dept. of Pedodontics, Kanagawa Dental College, **Dept. of Oral Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 14
Number : 2
Page : 177-183
Year/Month : 1979 / 9
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : We can see the tendency of the degeneration of the teeth morphology, according to the development of the mankind. As one of the phenomenons, it is some times observed that the increased rate of missing and fused teeth, and also seen the fused roots and supernumerary roots. However, in the deciduous and permanent dentition, canine locates between incisors and molars, and it is very important for the growth of occlusion and forming of dentition. The number and shape are most stabilized, and it is interesting in anatomy to have abnormal number and shape. Recently, authors met the very rare case of lower bilateral bifurcated root canines in deciduous dentition. We had a chance to observe and check by X-Ray radiographs in detail, and we reached to the following result ; 1. On X-ray picture, the root of the canine bifurcated mesio-distal, and each of them devided on high position under the crown. The length of the roots was almost same with incisor. In X-ray picture of pulp-chamber, mesial part was similar with incisor chamber, and distal part was canine chamber. 2. The crown was almost similar with deciduous canine, though the fused line was not seen. It is said that permanent canines' were smaller than normal one, but it was not said in this case.
Practice : Dentistry
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