


Title : アマルガム修復物の二次う蝕病巣に対する細菌学的検討
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 神田善行, 込宮恒, 松本好史, 宮国敏, 大溝勲, 宮下宏子
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学保存学教室第一講座, 神奈川歯科大学口腔細菌学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 14
Number : 3
Page : 235-244
Year/Month : 1979 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」 二次う蝕(recurrent caries)は歯の硬組織実質欠損の修復後に修復物に接するエナメル質窩縁より発生し, 修復物と窩壁との間隙に沿って順次拡大し深部に達すると一般的に考えられているが, 日常の臨床において観察される多くの二次う蝕症例にはかような発生, 進行の経過とは異なり, 修復物内面に接する窩壁象牙質より直接発生し, 表層のエナメル質を残したまま穿下性に深部あるいは側方へ拡大したと思われる症例もしばしば経験される. かような症例については, その発生が修復時の窩洞形成に際して不用意にとりのこされた感染象牙質に起因する(このようなう蝕を二次う蝕の範疇に入れないと言う考え方もある)こともあるが, 修復物の辺縁封鎖の破壊に伴う微小漏洩によるう蝕発生の可能性も重要な一因であろうと考えられる. HalsらやKiddはAcid gelを用いたin vitroの実験において修復物のエナメル質窩縁に生じたcariesようの脱灰部(outer lesion)と同様に, gel中に含まれた酸のmicroleakageによって象牙質窩壁にも脱灰層(cavity wall lesion)が生ずることを観察し, またMortensenらは歯質と修復物との間隙へ細菌が侵入し, 窩底部に存在したことを報告している.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : Microbiologic Examination of Recurrent Caries around Amalgam Restorations
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshiyuki Kanda, Wataru Komiya, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Satoshi Miyakuni, Isao Omizo, Hiroko Miyashita
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Dept. of Restorative Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College, Dept. of Oral Bacteriology, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 14
Number : 3
Page : 235-244
Year/Month : 1979 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The initiation of recurrent caries caused by microleakage between amalgam restoration and prepared cavity wall, is considered to be different from that of primary caries which is occured from pit and fissure. From this point of view, distribution of microorganisms and their acidogenicity were investigated on both samples which were collected from recurrent and primary dentine carious lesions. Results obtained were as follows ; 1) Detection rate of microorganisms was higher in superficial layer than in profound layer, regardless of recurrent and primary carious lesion. 2) Diplo-cocci, Tetra-cocci, Staphylo-cocci, Strepto-cocci, Bacilli and Filamentous microorganisms Were detected from both dentine carious lesions. 3) Higher detection rate (80.0%) of Staphylo-cocci was observed in recurrent carious lesion in comparison with that in primary carious lesion (10.0%), on the contrary, Streptc-cocci was merely found (20.0%) in reurrent carious lesion, and Strepto-cocci including Str.mutans was detected with higher rate (90.0%) in primary carious lesion. 4) Acidogenicity of detected microorganisms measured as final pH was greater in primary carious lesion (66.2%) than that in recurrent carious lesion (22.2%). From the results described above, possible difference between the initiation and progress of recurrent caries and that of primary caries was discussed.
Practice : Dentistry
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