


Title : 歯列弓の三次元的表現と補綴臨床への導入について
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 荒川秀樹
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学補綴学教室第2講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 1
Page : 69-108
Year/Month : 1980 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 無歯顎及び多数歯欠損症例の咬合採得あるいは人工歯排列は, 日常の補綴臨床における困難な事項の一つである. その困難性は, 有歯顎時代の種々の基準点が消失していることに起因すると思われる. それらを科学的に行うための一手段として, 生体, 模型の計測は勿論, 頭部X線規格写真その他収集可能なあらゆる情報を網羅することが必要であると考え, 当教室では過去よりそれらの位置的情報を二次元, 三次元直交座標系を用いて検索してきた. 今回, 著者はそれらの研究の一環として, 上下顎を咬合させた状態で歯列弓の形状を三次元的に表現すること, またHIP plaueと歯列との位置関係を明確にすることを主目的として本研究に着手し, 知見を得たので報告する. 成人男女有歯顎歯列模型100個を製作し, 模型上に三次元座標軸を設定, 東京精密社製三次元ディジタル座標測定装置XYZAX S-500を用いて計測を行い, アイ電子測器社製AICOM-C5にて演算処理を行い, 次の結論を得た. 1. HIP planeを補綴臨床に導入することは, その術式を進める上で意義があること. 2. 上下顎を咬合させた状態で, 三次元的に表現することが可能となった. 3. 適合させる曲線は, 臨床的には二次関数(放物線)で十分であり, 歯列を2つの曲面の交線として, 三次元的に表現することが可能となった. 4. 上顎歯列は, 前歯群と臼歯群のアーチの曲率が異るので考慮する必要がある. 5. 切歯乳頭は, 人工歯排列時に一つの重要な基準点となり得る. 6. 上顎の側面方向では, 小臼歯部は第一大臼歯よりも下方に位置する. 7. 切歯乳頭から上顎左右中切歯切縁中点までの距離はY座標で平均9.25, 9.20mmであり, Z座標では左右ともに平均5.33mmであった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords :


Title : Three Dimensional Study of the Dental Arch and its Applications into Clinical Prosthodontics.
Subtitle :
Authors : Hedeki Arakawa
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of 2nd Prosthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 1
Page : 69-108
Year/Month : 1980 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : It is a difficult procedure in routine clinical prosthodontics to record jaw relation exactly and to arrange artificial teeth in proper position and this would be especially true for the nearly or completely edentulous patients. Difficulty exists since the various landmarks in natural dentitions and surrounding tissues are already lost. Author admits the significance of the all available data processings such as biological conditions, measurements of plaster casts, cephalometrics and so on. Many informations related to these were so far obtained from the results of previous studies in two or three dimensional coordinates at our department. As a successive study, this investigation was undertaken to evaluate the morphology of the dental arch in occlusion with three dimensional directions, and also its relation of the position of natural dentitions to HIP plane. One hundred plaster casts were constructed from male and female adults in natural dentitions. Three dimensional coordinate axis were determined on each plaster cast, and measurements were conducted by the Three Dimensional Digital Coordinate System (XYZAX S-500, Tokyo Seimitsu Co.Ltd.), and data were computed by a mini-computer, AICOM C-5 (Ai Electronics. Corp.). Results are presented as follows. 1. Hip plane is significant and efficient for an application into clinical prosthdontics. 2. Description of the dental arch in occlusion became possible in three dimensional directions. 3. From practical view point, a parabola curvature is sufficient for an application of mathematical formula into clinical prosthodontics. 4. In maxillaly dentitions, degrees of dental arch form are differed from anterior and posterior regions, and, therefore, this should be considered in evaluating the dental arch. 5. Incisive Papilla is an important landmark in arrangement of artificial teeth. 6. Concerning the plane in maxillaly jaw from a sagittal view, premolar region is positioned below molar region. 7. A distance from incisive papilla to Upper Central Incisors in both sides were 9.25, 9.20mm in Y co-ordinate, 5.33mm in Z co-ordinate on an average.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :