


Title : 骨嚢胞の形成過程に関する実験病理学的研究 - ラット歯肉, 頬粘膜の下顎骨, 大腿骨への移植実験 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 三木慎一郎, 久田太郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学病理理学教室
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 15
Number : 2
Page : 179-201
Year/Month : 1980 / 9
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「抄録」 Wistar系ラットを用いて, 下顎骨ならびに大腿骨骨髄に移植窩洞を形成し, 歯肉および頬粘膜の移植片による自家移植を試み, 嚢胞形成過程を病理組織学的に検索した. 歯肉あるいは頬粘膜移植により, 下顎骨, 大腿骨共に嚢胞形成を認めた. 大腿骨に生じた嚢胞は, 歯肉, 頬粘膜共に下顎骨の場合に比較して, より早期に内腔の大きいものが発生したが, 下顎骨と大腿骨における移植の場の相違による嚢胞形成過程には, 本質的な差異は認められなかった. 歯肉と頬粘膜の移植片の相違による形成過程および生じた嚢胞の組織像には明らかな差異がみられた. すなわち歯肉移植においては, 移植後3~5週に嚢胞発生を認め, その形成過程は3期に大別できた. それは1)変性期, 移植上皮の著明な角化と棘細胞の変性を主とする時期, 2)増殖期, 移植片周囲の肉芽組織上を被覆する様に, 移植片辺縁部から上皮が伸展し, 同時に移植片自体の上皮突起の延長を示す上皮増生を特徴とする時期, 3)嚢胞形成期, 移植片辺縁部の両端より上皮が周囲肉芽組織にそって伸展し, 多量の角化物をいれた嚢胞を形成する時期である. したがって生じた嚢胞の内層上皮は移植片自体の上皮に由来する上皮突起を有する角化上皮と, 移植片の辺縁部両端から伸展した上皮で, 全く上皮突起を持たないものより成っていた. 頬粘膜移植では, 移植後1週以内に嚢胞が生じ, その形成過程は, 移植片辺縁部両端から上皮がすみやかに増生し, 周囲肉芽組織を被覆することにより嚢胞を形成した. また嚢胞の内層は圧平され, 錯角化を示す上皮より成っていた. 歯肉移植例では, 術後1週ですでに嚢胞周囲結合組織の部に骨新生を見るが, 頬粘膜移植例では, 4週以後に出現し, しかも新生の程度も弱く, 両者には嚢胞周囲の骨組織新生に差異が認められた. 上記の様な嚢胞形成過程に見られる上皮の変化は, 創傷の治癒時に見られる上皮の再生現象とよく類似し, 頬粘膜が歯肉より強い再生能を有すること, また歯肉が頬粘膜と比較して, 強い骨誘導能を保持することが示唆された. さらにこの様な相違が, 両者の嚢胞形成過程や, 生じた嚢胞の組織像の差違を生ぜしめたものと考えられる. 人体例との対比において, 本実験における嚢胞の組織像や, それが骨内性であることを考慮すると, 歯肉移植によって生ずる嚢胞はkeratocystに類似し, 頬粘膜移植のものは, implantation epidermoid cystに近似するものであった.
Practice : 歯科学
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Title : A study on the Cystogenia following the Autotransplantation in Rats
Subtitle :
Authors : 三木慎一郎, 久田太郎
Authors(kana) :
Organization :
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 15
Number : 2
Page : 179-201
Year/Month : 1980 / 9
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : The autogenous grafts of the gingiva or the buccal mucosa excised from Wistar strain rats were implanted into prepared cavities in mandibles and femurs. The process of cyst formation following the transplantation was studied histopathologically. Nealy all the rats examined had developed cysts. Regarding the cyst formation in mandibles and femurs, similar processes were observed under different implantation sites both in the cases of the gingiva and the buccal mucosa. The cysts obtained in the femurs, however, were slightly earlier and larger than those of mandibles. Between the gingiva and the buccal mucosa, a distinctive difference was observed in the process of cyst formation. In the case of the gingival grafts the cysts were observed 3 weeks or longer after the implantation, and its process was roughly divided into three phases : (1) Degeneration phase : the epithelium of the graft shows degeneration and hyperkeratosis. (2) Proliferation phase : the edges of the grafts show an extension of the epithelium and the graft itself also reveals epithelial hyperplasia with rete pegs invaginating into the connective tissue. (3) Cyst formation phase : the extension of the epithelial edges of the graft advances to form a keratinizing cyst. The epithelial layer of the cyst obtained by the gingival implantation consisted of a keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium with rete pegs and without a rete peg. In the buccal mucosa the formation of cysts were observed within 1 week following the operation. Its process of the formation reveals the extension of the epithelial edges of the graft onto the surface of the surrounding granulation tissue and a cyst was formed by these epithelial extension. The inner epithelium of the cyst showed parakeratosis but had not a rete peg. In the process of cyst formation by grafting the gingiva or the buccal mucosa a bone formation was observed in the granulation tissue surrounding the graft. In the case of the gingiva the osseous tissue had been already odserved in the first week, while in the buccal mucosa it was formed 4 weeks later and its degree was less than the gingiva. These changes of the epithelial grafts in the cyst formation seem to resemble the epithelialization in wound healing. Therefore such a difference in the process of cyst formation or of the histological features of cysts obtained is attributable to the fact that the gingival epithelium has the inductivity of bone tissue and a less tendency of epithelialization than the buccal mucosa. Considering the cysts being intraosseous and its histologic features, the cyst obtained by the gingival implantation may seem to resemble "Odontogenic keratocyst" in human beings and one by the buccal mucosa grafting has a resemblance to "Implantation epidermoid cyst".
Practice : Dentistry
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